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P41 Innovative experiential programmes addressing cyber shaming and bullying: A work in progress
  1. D Hardoff1,2,
  2. D Amsalem2,3,
  3. D Gothelf2,3,4,
  4. M Shraga5,
  5. L Pesshach-Gelblum1,2,
  6. A Ziv1,2,4
  1. 1Israel Center for Medical Simulation, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel
  2. 2Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel
  3. 3Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel
  4. 4Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
  5. 5Openmind 360, Aviel, Israel


Aims We describe two experiential programmes toward school shaming and bullying (S/B), aiming at prevention, identification and early intervention.

Methods Teachers attended a 2-day train-the-trainer workshop. 1stday: 8 simulation-based S/B scenarios, where communication with pupils and with parents role-played by actors was exercised. Teacher-actor encounters were video-recorded to be screened during debriefing sessions. 2nd day: Teachers were trained to conduct school discussions on S/B with other school staff, utilizing video-recordings of their own training. Teachers completed a 4-grade-Likert-scale questionnaire rating the workshop’s quality, value, and relevance for approaching S/B situations, as well as open ended questions regarding their workshop’s experience.

Results 91 teachers attended 6 train-the-trainer workshops. The average rates for the workshop’s quality, value, and relevance were 3.86, 3.57 and 3.71 respectively. A unanimous satisfaction was expressed with a plea for further training and professional supervision. Work in progress: Following the teachers’ programme, we developed an S/B experiential one-day workshop for secondary school pupils. It included: a. An Internet-based-survey regarding psychological effects of S/B; b. A child psychiatrist’s talk on outcomes related to S/B victims. Perpetrator-victim characteristics were emphasized and tools for identifying and coping with S/B were suggested; c. A virtual-reality scenario (developed in collaboration with Openmind 360 Inc.) of cyber-shaming that allows the viewer to choose different pathways that may follow the shaming situation. A social worker led a discussion about the shaming scenario and the alternative pathways; d. A stage performance: a teenage boy (actor) proudly tells a friend about himself bullying another boy. He then admits being a violence victim at home. A discussion of the scenario was led by a school counselor; e. A discussion based on the results of the pupils’pre-lecture survey and the experiential exposure in each group concluded the workshop. In the course of 2 school years 690 10th grade pupils (48 groups) attended the programme. Analysis of the pre-workshop surveys and the workshops’ impact within the schools is in progress.

Conclusions Simulation-based educational programmes addressing S/B for both teachers and pupils were valued as relevant and helpful for prevention, identification and early intervention. Long-term evaluation of their effectiveness is in progress.

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