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Aims With a population of almost 500 general respiratory patients aged between 14 and 18 years, we developed a transition evening to deliver patient-centred, quality care. Our aim was to improve the quality of our transition service by increasing knowledge of the transition process and surpassing the NICE Quality Standard (QS140).
Methods 3 evening events have been held. We have invited 24 young people and their carers to each event. Event structure includes height and weight measurement, lung function and/or inhaler technique and appointment with Respiratory Consultant or Specialist Nurse.
Young people were seen alone as part of the consultation. They were given information, introduced to the Ready Steady Go process and questionnaires were completed. Outcome measures were based on attendance rates, questionnaire feedback and achievement of the NICE Quality Standard.
Results Attendance has been variable. Maximal rates were achieved when appointment letter and personal phone calls were used.
The event was very popular with young people and their carers. After all 3 events, 100% of young people understood what transition is and our local approach. 100% of young people felt ready for transition. 100% carers understood the process of transition, felt their child is ready to build independence and found the event useful. The event provides an opportunity to deliver the NICE Quality Standard. For patients who attended, 100% have a transition plan (QS140-1), 100% have had an annual meeting (QS140-2) and 100% have been introduced to our named worker (QS140-3).
Conclusion Our model is popular with young people and their carers. This is a useful way to achieve the Quality Standard for patients in attendance but is time-consuming and labour intensive. The model can be applied to other specialties and to multi-speciality events. We hope to introduce a worker from adult services at our future events to further improve achievement of the NICE Quality Standard QS140-4.