Backgound Migrant health and adolescent well-being have become the focus point in current HIV intervention discourses as this particular cohort has an increased vulnerability to STIs such as HIV. As consistent use of condoms has a protective measure against STIs it is important to understand the key determinants that impact on their risky behaivours. In addition, it evaluates the extend that socio-cultural values and acculturation can predict condom use intentions among African youth residing in South Africa.
Methods Qualitative methodological approach was utilised with purposive and snowballing sampling technicques to explore migrant youth’s intentions and behaviour towards condom use within their socio-cultural contexts. The study also measures their rate of acculturation and assimiliation within the current youth culture in South Africa regarding sexual risky behaviour and their psychology around condom use intentions and behaviour. A sample were drawn from Sub-Saharan African desent who migrate to South Africa. The mean age of respondents were 23 years rangin from 20 years to 25 years, with an equal gender distribution.
Results The results indicated that young migrants have a good knowledge of condom use and dual protection against pregancies and sexual transmitted infections. However, the use of condoms, even when freely available, is a contested issue as cultural values and traditional social networks have an impact on their intentions and behaivour towards condom use. Traditional gendered norms in sexual relationships and gendered expectations of condom use are current issues that migrant youth are grappling with. The nexus between cultural values and safer sexual choices places young migrants at risk as they are currently outside of the realms of socio-cultural contexts, with highter education expectations and delay of marriage customs.
Conclusion The study provide more insight into the current realities of transitioning young migrants who live outside of the boundaries of current socio-cultural paradigms.