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P77 Getting it right for adoelscents and young adults in an acute adult health trust
  1. R Macqueen
  1. Young and Care and Transition Team, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT, Sheffield, UK


Aim To develop developmentally appropriate healthcare for adolescents and young adults in an acute adult Trust.

Method The creation of a central adolescent, young adult and transition team within the Trust to promote the needs of adolescents and young adults and develop the elivery of developmentally appropriate healtcare within an acute adult Trust; to develop transition pathways in line with NICE (2016) guidance; to develop services to become more young person friendly. The team initally comprised a Lead Nurse for Children and Young People, a part-time Registerned Children’s Nurse and informal medical leadership from a medical Consultant.

Results Successful bid to increase the team which now comprises of a Clinical Lead with dedicated hours, Lead Nurse for Children and Young People, a full-time Registered Children’s Nurse, a Learning Disability Nurse, Operational Management Lead and admin support. 275 Trust staff trained in developmentally appropriate health care an transition in one year. Development of an agreed pathway between the Children’s Hospital NHS foundation Trust and the author’s acute adult NHS Foundation Trust Development of new transition pathways in areas such as critical care and ENT. Development of guidleines for practitioners working in the Emergency Department to improve care of young people aged 16 and 17 who present with mental health problems. Direct support to patients and their families moving into adult services, particularly through the team coordinating the transition of young people transitioning across 3+ specialties. Direct support to staff and clinical teams around the needs of adolescents and young adults, to troubleshoot problems. Increased membership in Trust steering group to include representation from partner agencies such as CCG, mental health services, learning disability services and social care. Hosted a multi-partner, city-wide Transition evening with representation from over 35 services from health partners, local authority, voluntary sector with over 100 families attending and good feedback received.

Conclusion A central young adult care and transition team has been demonstrated to be a succesful way to raise the profile of developmentally approproiate healthcare and develop services to more effectively meet the needs of young adults. This model may be effective in many provider organsiations.

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