Data used for this project were from the emergency preparedness register (Beredt C19). The establishment of an emergency preparedness register forms part of the legally mandated responsibilities of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health during epidemics.
Data sources
To estimate the share of children aged 0–10 years visiting the GP after being infected with delta or omicron variant we used population-wide longitudinal registry data from Norway. Beredt C19 is an emergency preparedness register that aims to rapidly provide ongoing overview and knowledge of the prevalence, causal relationships and consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic in Norway. It includes information from various data sources that are updated daily, including the Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (all testing and screening for SARS-CoV-2), the National Population Register (age, sex, country of birth), the National Immunization Register (vaccination status) and the Norway Control and Payment of Health Reimbursement (all physical and electronic consultations with all GPs). A more in-depth summary of the data sources used for our analysis is available in the online supplemental table 1.
Study population
We followed all Norwegian residents aged 0–10 years from 29 November 2021 to 23 January 2022. Figure 1 shows the share of the sequenced PCR tests that were delta or omicron variant from 29 November to 23 January. Children who tested positive but whose tests were not sequenced, and children who had been vaccinated, were excluded from the analysis. The upper age cut-off at 10 was set as children who turned 11 at the start of the period, turned 12 during the study period and thus become eligible for the vaccine.
Figure 1The development of delta and omicron cases in the estimated sample, week 48 (2021) to week 3 (2022). Share of sequenced samples with confirmed delta, omicron and other results.
The categorical outcome variable for GP contact was set to 1 if the individual had at least one physical consultation or e-consultation with a GP in a week, and 0 otherwise. In Norway, consultations with the GP are free for children aged below 16. The GPs serve as the first line in the healthcare services, prescribing medicines and performing simple procedures, and referring patients to further care when necessary.
Statistical design
We constructed a data set including one observation per individual per week from week 48 of 2021 until the third week of 2022. Each week, each individual could either be registered with a GP consultation or not. For the individuals who were infected with COVID-19, we constructed an index week of infection. For each index week, persons with omicron or delta were compared with persons without omicron or delta. Event time was indicated relative to the index week of COVID-19 infection for each person and was our main variable of interest explaining primary healthcare use for omicron and delta variants, respectively.
Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted ORs (aOR) with 95% CIs for GP consultations. Exploiting the longitudinal nature of the data, we used an event study design,5 6 controlling for calendar week of consultation, municipality fixed effects and sociodemographic characteristics.
The event study is especially well suited when the timing of events varies across groups in the population, there is a high number of units not experiencing an event and any measured association might vary over time.7 The approach is widely used in social sciences and now also increasingly popular in epidemiology and public health as it can display an abnormal shift in trend, and attribute that shift to an event.8–12
The temporal aORs of being infected by omicron and delta were estimated from 5 weeks before to 4 weeks after the week 0 of infection. We regress weeks to and from confirmed positive test on binary GP visits using the following expression:
is the outcome for individual i in week w, that is, GP visits. is a set of dummy variables for calendar week accounting for any changes in the inclination to visit a GP due to, for example, capacity constraints or holidays. denotes background characteristics for individual i including gender, age dummies, parental country background and the child’s country background, as well as municipality fixed effects. is a set of time dummy variables, indicating the event time, that is, the number of weeks k relative to the week in which the individual got infected with the delta virus, taking the value 0 if not being infected with the delta virus. Similarly, is a set of dummy variables for event time in the case of infection with the omicron variant. The week prior to the infection, k=−1, is used as our reference value, and this value is therefore omitted from the regression. Our primary parameters of interests were the and attached to the event time dummies. These captured the changes in the probability of visiting the GP among the children infected with delta and omicron relative to the comparison group consisting of uninfected or non-tested. was the SE clustered at the municipality level.
The coefficients and for k<0 indicated the GP use develops prior to infection time, while k>0 described how the outcome changed after getting infected with either delta or omicron virus. Hence, the event study framework allows for testing whether infected children followed the same patterns for GP visits as the non-infected prior to infection, and whether this pattern changed after the week 0 of infection. A discontinuous jump in the probability of visiting the GP around week 0 indicates an estimated difference in the probability of visiting the GP between the individuals infected with omicron or delta, and our comparison groups consisting of non-infected individuals.
In the online supplemental appendix, we present robustness checks of our results by varying the time period of our analysis, age-stratified analysis and results of analysis with additional adjustment for municipality-specific time trends.