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62 The Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) Tongue Reduction Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) Project
  1. Nick Sullivan,
  2. Sophie Grout,
  3. Johanna Andersson
  1. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, UK


BWS is a congenital overgrowth syndrome with a prevalence of 1 in 14,000. GOSH has been the Nationally designated BWS surgery service since 2012. This project involved a yearlong collaboration between the EPR team, Transformation team and nursing staff to incorporate the Integrated Care Plan (ICP) into Epic. Feedback from parents on the ward said that the staff were lovely and very friendly, but knowledge of the condition could have been better due to some instances of missed analgesia. Over 90% of ward staff agreed adding ICPs directly into Epic was a good idea and only half of staff surveyed said they felt confident looking after these patients. Therefore, we also planned to deliver nurse education as part of the wider ICP project rollout.

The aim of this project was to:

  • Standardise care on the post operative ward

  • Reduce risk and variation in care

  • Improve discharge

  • Use the BWS service as a trial for EPR based ICPs before developing for other services that also used ICPs, but not built into Epic.


  • As of August, up to 40 Panther Ward nurses have been taught and the ICP project explained. This is over 80% of eligible staff.

  • Since the 2nd iteration of using EPR ICPs in a live environment 100% of patients have had a completed ICP within their nursing documentation.


  • We will continue to rollout and develop the ICP usage within the BWS service and other ICPs in other areas are now being developed, such as the tracheostomy ICP.

  • Post operative nursing care has now been standardised for BWS surgery patients.

  • Nurses have a greater knowledge of the condition which has also helped with patient satisfaction and outcomes.

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