
Hearing loss in newborn infants with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy: protocol for a case–control study


Introduction Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), a condition where the brain does not receive enough oxygen and/or blood flow around the time of birth, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Systemic circulation may be affected due to poor myocardial function. The cochlear hair cells are vulnerable to changes in microcirculation, which may occur in HIE predisposing to hearing loss. Therefore, all infants with HIE undergo neurodevelopmental surveillance after discharge to monitor for adverse neurodevelopment including speech and hearing problems. This study will examine the incidence of confirmed hearing loss in newborn infants with any stage of HIE (cases) and compare them with controls.

Methods and analysis All infants diagnosed with any stage of HIE (cases) over a 12-year period (January 2010 to December 2021) will be examined. Controls were newborn infants without HIE who were admitted to the neonatal unit and received intensive care including antibiotics (control group 1) and stable infants in the postnatal ward who received antibiotics (eg, gentamicin) (control group 2). Controls matched for gestation, gender and birth weight will be selected from a similar time period. Infant details and hearing screening data will be gathered from prospectively entered BadgerNet and S4H system databases, respectively. Categorical data will be analysed using the χ2 test. Predictors for hearing loss will be performed using binary logistic regression analysis.

Ethics and dissemination The study is approved by the Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW) Research Ethics Committee and the Health Research Authority (HRA) (reference 21/HRA/4506). The study findings will be presented at national/international conferences and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

What is already known on this topic?

  • Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is associated with significant mortality and morbidity.

  • Impaired circulation in HIE could affect end-organ perfusion.

  • Hearing loss in infants with HIE is not well-studied.

What this study hopes to add?

  • Investigate the incidence of confirmed hearing loss in infants with HIE using a 12-year cohort in a single centre.

  • Compare hearing loss in infants with any grade of HIE to those infants without HIE who were admitted to the neonatal unit and received intensive care and with infants from the postnatal ward who received intravenous antibiotics (infants matched for gestation, gender, birth year and birth weight).

  • Estimate the incidence of failed hearing screens in infants with any grade of HIE.

How this study might affect research, practice or policy?

  • Provide clinicians baseline data that would be helpful for counselling parents/carers of infants with HIE.

  • Researchers can use this data to plan further studies in this area.

  • Provide data for planning, implementing and targeting resources and services appropriately.


Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), a condition where the brain does not receive adequate oxygen and/or blood flow just before, during or soon after birth, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality1 and has a worldwide occurrence of 3–5 per 1000 live births.2 HIE is clinically graded using the Sarnat grading system from 1 to 3, where stage 1 (mild) is characterised by hyperalertness, uninhibited reflexes, sympathetic effects and a normal electroencephalogram. Stage 2 (moderate) HIE features are obtundation, hypotonia, strong distal flexion and multifocal seizures. Electroencephalogram demonstrates a periodic pattern and is occasionally preceded by continuous delta activity. In stage 3 (severe) HIE, infants are stuporous and flaccid with suppressed brain stem and autonomic functions. The electroencephalogram is isopotential or has infrequent periodic discharges. The clinical grade of HIE along with other investigations such as electroencephalogram and neuroimaging are used for prognostication and counselling families.3 4

Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) for infants with moderate to severe HIE improves overall outcomes,5 6 and TH is considered standard practice for infants born ≥36 weeks’ gestation with HIE who meet certain criteria.7 Practically, this involves fulfilling three criteria. For criteria A, one of the following needs to be fulfilled: Apgar score of ≤5 at 10 min after birth; continued need for resuscitation, including endotracheal or mask ventilation, at 10 min after birth; acidosis defined as a pH≤7.00 and base deficit of ≥16 mmol/L in cord or baby’s blood gas sample within 60 min of birth. Criteria B includes moderate to severe encephalopathy on clinical assessment and at least one of the following: hypotonia, abnormal reflexes, absent or weak suck or clinical seizures. Once criteria A and B are met, criteria C where at least 30 min of amplitude integrate electroencephalogram recording demonstrating abnormal background electrical activity or seizures are necessary before commencing TH.

TH for infants reduces secondary injury at a cellular level.8 The most severe grade of HIE results in hypoxic injury, which is not limited to the vital organs such as the brain, heart and adrenals but includes other organs such as the kidneys, liver, bone marrow and skin. However, these organs respond differently to hypoxia, and injury to most organs is reversible once circulation is established.

Neurodevelopmental surveillance is the standard of care for newborn infants with grade 2 or higher HIE where motor development and other aspects including speech and development are monitored for the first few years.7 One of the pre-requisites for normal speech and language development is the ability to have normal hearing.

The ear is responsible for the initial encoding of acoustic input, and studies suggest that numerous changes occur after full-term birth. The mammalian ear is divided into three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear funnels sound waves to the middle ear, an air-filled cavity in the temporal bone of the skull housing the malleus, incus and stapes, which form a chain connecting the tympanic membrane to the oval window. The cochlea in the inner ear converts these sound waves into electrochemical signals.9 The inner ear is supplied by the labyrinthine artery, an end artery branching from the inferior cerebellar artery.10 Cochlear blood flow is a function of cochlear perfusion pressure, which is the difference between mean arterial blood pressure and inner ear fluid pressure.11 Cochlea contains two types of sensory cells, namely the outer and inner hair cells. In utero, the hair cells mature during the third trimester but synaptic connections with the auditory nerve continue to mature after birth. Peripheral maturation of the auditory system can be studied non-invasively using otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). At birth, in contrast with the immature outer and middle ear, the inner ear is relatively more mature as characterised by OAEs.12

The cochlear hair cells critically depend on normal microcirculation13 and are also vulnerable to the effects of hypoxia and prone to injury.14 15 The extent of the injury to the hair cells in different grades of HIE is poorly understood. Fitzgerald and colleagues16 who examined a small cohort of HIE infants found hearing impairment in 9.5% of infants. Hamed et al who investigated a similar sized cohort found hearing loss in 8.8% of infants with HIE.17 Kadıoğlu Şimşek et al 18 noticed no difference in hearing screening failure rates in infants with different grades of HIE.

Cardiovascular parameters such as heart rate,19 heart rate variability20 and left ventricular output21 could be affected in newborn infants with HIE undergoing TH. A higher heart rate and reduction in heart rate variability have been shown to be associated with severe grades of HIE. Left ventricular output has been shown to change during and after TH.22 Given that myocardial dysfunction and consequently low left ventricular output are likely to be present with severe HIE, we speculate that multi-organ dysfunction and end-organ injury secondary to suboptimal perfusion are more common in newborn infants with severe HIE compared with mild HIE.


We hypothesise that hearing loss is more likely to be present in newborn infants with severe grades of HIE when compared with newborn infants with lesser grades of HIE and in controls.

Our primary objective is to investigate the incidence of confirmed hearing loss in infants with HIE over a 12-year period.

The secondary objectives are (1) to compare the incidence of confirmed hearing loss in HIE infants to matched control infants; (2) to evaluate the incidence of failed hearing screening test in HIE infants before discharge from the neonatal unit (NU).


The primary outcome is the incidence of confirmed hearing loss (any grade) in right, left or both ears in newborn infants with different grades of HIE.

The secondary outcome is the incidence of failed hearing screening tests in right, left or both ears in infants with HIE.

Methods and analysis

Study design and setting

This is a retrospective, observational single-centre case–control study. All infants with HIE admitted to NU at Homerton University Hospital over a 12-year period (January 2010 to December 2021) will be studied. Homerton is a large tertiary medical NU in the North Central and North East London Neonatal Network.23 Homerton is a designated treating (TH) centre for HIE and receives HIE babies from the network (six hospitals) and beyond. The average birth rate at Homerton University Hospital is 5500 per year, and birth rate among each referring hospital varies from 5000 to 7500 per year. The Homerton NU admits around 950 infants a year.

Study population


Inclusion criteria: all infants with a diagnosis of HIE (all grades), irrespective of whether received TH or not, admitted to NU of Homerton University Hospital over a 12-year period (1 January 2010 to 31 December 2021) will be included.

Exclusion criteria: infants with HIE who died before discharge from the NU, missing data, major congenital abnormalities including chromosomal abnormalities or where matching controls cannot be found will be excluded.


Inclusion criteria: gestational age (GA), gender and birth weight (±250 g) matched infants born without HIE who were admitted to NU and received intensive care including antibiotics (control group 1) and stable infants in the postnatal ward (PNW) who received antibiotics (eg, gentamicin) (control group 2). One control infant from NU (control group 1) and one infant from the PNW (control group 2) born during a similar time period (±3 months to the date the case infant was born) will be selected for each case.

Exclusion criteria: infants with major congenital abnormalities or death before discharge from the NU.

Data collection

Clinical data (eg, infant demographics and co-morbidity data) will be collected from electronic patient records (EPR) and the national neonatal database BadgerNet (prospectively entered neonatal clinical database). The hearing screening data will be gathered from the S4H system database, and confirmed hearing test results will be obtained from the audiology department. Blood results during the first week of life will be collected. The highest white blood cell count, lowest platelet count, highest international normalised ratio (INR), highest serum creatinine and highest alanine transaminase will be collected. The lowest blood sugar in the first 72 hours of life and the number of times the blood sugar levels were below 2 mmol/L in the first 48 hours of life will also be collected.24 Details of hyperglycaemia and jaundice during the first 72 hours of life will be gathered. Electroencephalographic data such as background and seizure activity will be collected for cases. Gentamicin and vancomycin blood levels will be collected from admission to discharge from NU where applicable. Concurrent administration of other nephrotoxic agents such as acyclovir will also be recorded. The use of inotropes, co-existing diagnosis of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) and anticonvulsant agents will be documented.

The above-mentioned data will be collected for case and control group 1 infants. For control group 2 infants, where available, similar data will be collected.

Clinical data will be extracted by SP with support from the information analysis team at Homerton University Hospital. Hearing screening and hearing loss data will be extracted by MD (the Hearing Screening Programme Manager) at the Homerton University Hospital.

Hearing screening

All infants prior to discharge undergo a hearing test as part of the national newborn hearing screening programme. Hearing screening involves automated OAE testing and/or an automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) test if the former test does not show a clear response. If infants do not show a clear response in these tests, they will be referred to the audiologist for further assessment as described below.

Infants who fail to show a clear response will be classified as failing the hearing screening test for the study. Details of hearing screening tests including whether it is in the right, left or both ears will be collected.

Audiology assessment

All infants who fail the hearing screening test will have an audiology assessment within 4 weeks. Audiology assessment includes AABR, OAE and tympanometry as indicated. In well babies, responses at 30 decibels for a high-frequency sound (4 kHz) in each ear constitute satisfactory hearing for speech and language development. In high-risk infants, testing will go down to 20 decibels for a mid-pitched (1 kHz) and high-pitched (4 kHz) sound to confirm normal hearing. Responses above these levels suggest a hearing loss, and further testing such as bone conduction will be performed to determine the type and level of hearing loss.

Confirmed hearing loss can be in one or both ears. Hearing loss would be confirmed in the presence of raised hearing levels on AABR. In well babies, this will be >30 decibels and >20 decibels in high-risk infants. Bone conduction >15 decibels confirms a permanent sensorineural hearing loss. If bone conduction responses are normal and tympanometry indicates fluid, this is consistent with conductive hearing loss.

Hearing impairment data will be collected including whether it is in the right, left or both ears. Hearing impairment in this study is defined as the presence of hearing loss (any grade) detected at least in one ear after a formal audiology assessment.

Sample size

All cases (all grades of HIE) consecutively admitted to the NU of Homerton University Hospital over 12 years (1 January 2010 to 31 December 2021) will be studied. Approximately 25–30 infants with HIE are admitted to Homerton University Hospital per year, and we expect to study a total of 300–350 infants over 12 years. Two controls will be selected from a similar time period for each case of HIE as described earlier.

Cases (HIE all grades) with major congenital anomaly, who died in the NU before discharge home, with missing data or who cannot be matched to controls will be excluded.

Statistical analysis

Categorical variables (such as the proportion of infants with hearing loss in each grade of HIE) will be compared using the χ2 test. The correlation between continuous variables (such as white blood cell count, platelet count, INR, serum creatinine levels, alanine transaminase levels and blood gentamicin and vancomycin levels) will be examined using the Pearson/Spearman correlation coefficient.

Predictors for hearing loss will be performed using binary logistic regression analysis. Predictors in the regression analysis for the primary and secondary outcome include diagnosis of HIE, grade of HIE, high aminoglycoside and bilirubin blood levels, hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia, co-existing diagnosis such as PPHN or meningitis, highest serum creatinine, alanine transaminase levels, acyclovir administration and any clinically relevant parameter demonstrating significant correlation on univariate analysis. Controlling for matching factors (gestation, birth weight, birth year and gender) during regression analysis will be undertaken for better statistical precision.25 Statistical software programmes (SPSS V.29) and Microsoft Excel will be used for analysis.

Ethics and dissemination

The study was reviewed and approved by the local research and innovation (R&I) department of the Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. The study was approved by the Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW) Research Ethics Committee and Health Research Authority (HRA) (reference 21/HRA/4506). The data collected will be accessed by the chief investigator and the research team who are based at the Homerton University Hospital. Homerton R&I Department officers will have access to the study files for audit and quality control purposes.

The results of the study will be disseminated via multiple methods including but not limited to oral presentations at regional meetings, oral/poster presentations at national and international conferences and via social media. The chief investigator will ensure that the results are also published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, ideally open access for wider impact, in both online and print form, which will be valuable to parents, clinicians, policy makers and the wider research community.

Patient and public involvement

Patients or the public were not involved in the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination of our research as this is an anonymised retrospective study using routinely collected clinical data.


HIE remains a serious condition that is associated with potentially significant morbidity and mortality. Neurodevelopmental surveillance plays a key role in early targeted interventions in these high-risk infants including early audiologist input and speech and language therapy for those with hearing impairments. The study will provide the rates of hearing screening failure rates and confirmed hearing loss in infants with HIE, infants without HIE who receive intensive care plus antibiotics and stable infants in PNW who receive intravenous aminoglycosides, a well-known ototoxic agent. The results of this study will be of interest to a broad range of audiences, including neonatologists, general paediatricians, community paediatricians, audiologists, speech and language therapists, neurologists, researchers, policymakers and parents of infants with HIE. This information will also help in counselling parents of infants who do not receive intensive care but only intravenous antibiotics.

The newborn hearing screening programme has been fully implemented in the UK since March 200626 and always involves OAE. Some infants need further testing with AABR.27 Newborn hearing screening has a test sensitivity of >90% for bilateral moderate or greater permanent childhood hearing impairment.28 The hearing screening programme has resulted in a significant increase in timely audiologist referrals for infants below 6 months.28 Although the hearing screening programme has expedited audiology consultation, it is not without pitfalls. The newborn hearing screening programme will not identify infants with late-onset deafness and auditory neuropathy. In addition, infants who do not pass the initial newborn hearing screening test may be lost to follow-up due to a change in abode, psychosocial or other reasons.29 Practices that can mitigate these risks include the prompt identification of risk factors for late-onset hearing loss such as congenital infections such as cytomegalovirus, neurodegenerative disorders or trauma—all of which are scrutinised in the newborn hearing screening risk factor form that is completed for the newborn hearing screening prior to hospital discharge. Therefore, this study will only be able to provide data for the number of newborn infants who do not pass the hearing screening and the results of the subsequent confirmatory tests. This study design would not be able to identify infants with delayed onset hearing loss but can potentially provide data on infants who are lost to follow-up, although we believe this number is likely to be low due to robust primary care service provision.

The overall rates of permanent hearing loss may be similar to those found in small cohorts, but the results of this work will arm clinicians with robust data to accurately estimate the burden of hearing impairment in this high-risk cohort and therefore help clinicians in anticipatory guidance, targeting neurodevelopmental surveillance, signposting resources and in planning future clinical research trials in this very important area.


Hearing loss in infants with HIE potentially poses significant impact on speech and language development. Understanding the burden of this morbidity will aid clinicians, researchers and policymakers to provide vital resources and target early intervention to provide the best outcomes for this high-risk group of infants.