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OP-133 Sleep disorders and adenoid hypertrophy in children with ADHD
  1. Neena Shilen,
  2. Renjini Raghavan
  1. Sunrise Institute of Medical Sciences


Aim To study the incidence and effects of adenoid hypertrophy on sleep, cognition, attention, learning, speech and language development in children with ADHD.

Material and Method A 10 years retrospective randomized controlled study was done by review of clinical records of 1500 children with ADHD in age group 3- 5 years and > 5–7years with age and sex matched controls. Our data included Vanderbilts for Parents, Connors test, Behavior scales, Children QL -P, OSA- 18, Children sleep habit questionnaire, IQ BKT, LD test, ENT Consultation for airway evaluation, PSG( parameters (apnea-hypopnea index [AHI] and the lowest SaO2), EEG and Lab Tests: Hemogram, iron profile, TFT, Vit. D, IgE, Heavy metals. Statistical test of Chi square was done using SSPS 20.0. P valueignificance was <0.05. Inclusions: All children with confirmed diagnosis of ADHD, assessed by multidisciplinary team. EXCLUSIONS: Children with global delay, seizure disorder, syndromes, abnormal MRI brain, and other psychiatric, or neurological disorders.

Results About 33.8% had adenoid hypertrophy vs. 11.2% in controls, 26.4% had obstructive sleep apnea vs. 0.3% controls, 5.3% had Enuresis vs. 0.1% controls, 18.2% had speech and language problem vs. 1.6% in controls, 42% had cognitive difficulties vs. 4.8%, sleep disturbances in 78% Vs. 31% controls. Adenoidectomy was done in 28%, ABA was done in 93% and Medication was required in 17% cases. Post adenoidectomy, symptoms of OSA measured by Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire Sleep showed 83% improvement in first six months and 92% improvement by one year. Quality of life was shown to significantly improve on the PedsQL and OSA-18 scales.

Conclusions ADHD is one of the neurodevelopmental disability that is increasing rapidly today. Worldwide incidence from 5 to 11%. Our study suggests that adenoid hypertrophy is one of the contributing factors in causing sleep disorders, poor cognition, speech articulation and inattention in ADHD

  • sleep disorders
  • Adenoid Hypertrophy
  • ADHD

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