RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 PP-116 Diagnosis of purine metabolism disorders in children JF BMJ Paediatrics Open JO BMJ Paediatrics Open FD BMJ Publishing Group Ltd SP A113 OP A113 DO 10.1136/bmjpo-2024-EPAC.260 VO 8 IS Suppl 5 A1 Privalova, Tatiana A1 Privalova, Tatiana A1 Khen, Iuliia A1 Khen, Iuliia A1 Dudina, Anastasia A1 Leonova, Elizaveta A1 Leonova, Elizaveta A1 Timoshkova, Snezhana A1 Timoshkova, Snezhana YR 2024 UL http://bmjpaedsopen.bmj.com/content/8/Suppl_5/A113.2.abstract AB Aim To show the importance of qualitative anamnesis collection for the detection of diseases associated with purine metabolism disorders using the example of a clinical case.Material and Method The analysis of the child’s medical history, clinical examination of the patient, laboratory tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder were carried out.Results During the season of acute respiratory virus infection (ARVI) mother with a 3-year-old boy consulted a pediatrician with complaints of child’s severe weakness, food refusal, single vomiting and loose stools, fever up to 38°C and increased nervous excitability. Physical examination: the child is lethargic, wants to sleep, there was no evidence for ARVI. The others indicators of systems of organs were in line with the age norm. Family history: maternal grandmother has a urolithiasis. Urates and calcium oxalates were detected in the clinical urine analysis, uric acid - 628 mmol/l in the biochemical blood test (reference limits 100–282), ultrasound of the kidneys: bilateral pyelectasis.Conclusions Since the beginning of the last century, groups with anomalies of constitution (diathesis) have been identified during annual check-up of children, among them no more than 10% were children with neuro-arthritic diathesis, which is a predisposition to the formation of diseases associated with impaired mineral metabolism. In the last 20–30 years, the focus has shifted to the treatment of diseases, and this issue is rarely and controversially covered in modern literary sources. The determination of uric acid is not included in the algorithm of examination of children. Due to the recent increased cases of early and preschool age children treatment with the signs of purine metabolism disorder, it is necessary to draw the attention of pediatricians to this problem and to take into account family history data, uric acid levels during the examination of patients aged from 1 to 7 years (especially with anamnesis of increased nervous excitability).