Q1. Did new members of staff treating your child introduce themselves? | No; yes, sometimes; yes, always | Picker restricted this to under 7 year olds only. We did the same for our analysis |
Q2. Were you encouraged to be involved in decisions about your child’s care and treatment? | No; yes, to some extent; yes, definitely | |
Q3. Were you told different things by different people, which left you feeling confused? | Yes, a lot; yes, sometimes; no, never | Picker restricted this to under 7 year olds only. We did the same for our analysis |
Q4. Were the different members of staff caring for and treating your child aware of their medical history? | No; yes, to some extent; yes, definitely | |
Q5. Before the operation or procedure, did a member of staff explain to you what would be done during the operation or procedure? | No; yes, to some extent; yes, completely; do not know; not necessary | Picker excluded the ‘do not know/not necessary’ from their results. We did the same for our analysis. |
Q6. Did a member of staff tell you what to do or whom to talk to if you were worried about your child when you got home? | No; yes, to some extent; yes, definitely; do not know; not necessary | Picker excluded the ‘do not know/not necessary’ from their results. We did the same for our analysis |