Table 3

Summary of topics explored and themes identified

Broad category of questionsTopic exploredInductive themes identified
(1) Exploration of existing practice in current clinical contextGeneral context Fear, risk and safety (children as a vulnerable group)
RTI diagnostic decision-making and managementRole of GP
Dual system decision-making
Probabilistic reasoning—likely to be a virus
Cognitive bias in decision-making
Parent factors in management choices: worry, expectations, competence
Self-presentation as not overprescribing
Infection surveillance in the current contextAnecdotal or no evidence gathered
What is needed by clinicians to help with uncertaintyNo clear need identified
(2) Response to intervention materials (as presented)Perceived impact of the intervention Management decisions do not need surveillance information (all known)
Impact unknown
Supporting decision-making post hoc
Clinician confidence in viral diagnosis
Cognitive bias effects
Reducing reconsultation rates
Reducing antibiotic prescribing
  • Other potential positive effects

Increased risk (missing the sick child)
Adding complexity
Accuracy and representativeness of content
What do clinicians want from the interventionCONTENT:
Clinician preferences for threat information
Symptom duration
  • Accessibility

  • Recipient—clinician, nurse or practice manager

  • Shared use with patients in the consultation

BarriersInformation overload
Lack of time
Lack of fit with clinician role
Perceived utility—will the clinician use it? (implementation)In an ideal world
  • Bold text denotes key themes, presented in detail.

  • GP, general practitioner; RTI, respiratory tract infection.