Table 1

Characteristics of mother-infant pairs according to intrapartum colloids and crystalloids exposure for caesarean section

Missing dataColloids plus crystalloidsCrystalloids only
No. (%)No. of deliveries (%)
176 (22.0)625 (78.0)
Gestational and maternal variables
 Maternal age in years (mean±SD)0 (0)29.7 (±4.9)29.2 (±5.2)
 ≤35155 (88.1)547 (87.5)
 >3521 (11.9)78 (12.5)
 Gravida2 (0.2)
 189 (50.9)285 (45.7)
 2–479 (45.1)311 (49.8)
 ≥57 (4.0)28 (4.5)
 Para2 (0.2)
 0104 (59.4)363 (58.2)
 155 (31.4)200 (32.0)
 ≥216 (9.2)61 (9.8)
 Abortus2 (0.2)
 0135 (77.1)439 (70.4)
 133 (18.9)128 (20.5)
 ≥27 (4.0)57 (9.1)
 Cigarette smoking2 (0.2)21 (11.9)105 (16.9)
 Alcohol drinking4 (0.5)14 (8.0)85 (13.7)
 Drug use4 (0.5)6 (3.4)24 (3.9)
 Gestational diabetes0 (0)5 (2.8)38 (6.1)
 Hypertension during pregnancy0 (0)9 (5.1)41 (6.6)
 Pre-eclampsia0 (0)11 (6.3)29 (4.6)
 Epidural before caesarean section0 (0)53 (30.1)272 (43.5)
 Elective caesarean section4 (0.5)73 (41.7)233 (37.5)
Infant-related variables
 Birth weight in grams (mean±SD)12 (1.5)3383 (±572)3449 (±544)
 Gestational age in weeks (mean±SD)12 (1.5)38.6 (±1.4)39.0 (±1.6)
 Preterm delivery12 (1.5)19 (11.1)43 (7.0)
 Low Apgar score (<7) at 1 min14 (1.7)8 (4.7)34 (5.5)
 Fever during hospitalisation14 (1.7)4 (2.3)11 (1.8)
 Phototherapy on day 113 (1.6)5 (2.9)9 (1.5)
 Phototherapy on day 213 (1.6)9 (5.2)21 (3.4)
 Phototherapy on day 314 (1.7)18 (10.5)36 (5.9)
 Exclusive breast feeding during hospitalisation15 (1.9)46 (26.9)290 (47.2)
 Urine during day 1 (mean±SD)15 (1.9)2.5 (±1.9)2.8 (±1.8)
 Urine during day 2 (mean±SD)17 (2.1)4.0 (±1.7)3.8 (±1.7)
 Urine during day 3 (mean±SD)73 (9.1)4.1 (±1.7)4.0 (±1.8)
 Stools during day 1 (mean±SD)15 (1.9)2.5 (±1.6)2.6 (±1.6)
 Stools during day 2 (mean±SD)17 (2.1)3.4 (±1.7)3.0 (±1.5)
 Stools during day 3 (mean±SD)73 (9.1)3.0 (±1.6)3.0 (±1.6)
Colloids doses in mL*1 (0.1)
 00 (0)625 (78.1)
 >0–50047 (5.9)-
 >500128 (16.0)-
Crystalloids doses in mL26 (3.2)
 016 (2.1)*0 (0)
 >0–100054 (7.0)168 (21.7)
 >1000–200084 (10.8)320 (41.3)
 >200018 (2.3)115 (14.8)
Total intravenous fluid doses in mL26 (3.2)
 >0–100022 (2.8)168 (21.7)
 >1000–2000102 (13.2)320 (41.3)
 >2000–300042 (5.4)108 (13.9)
 >30006 (0.8)7 (0.9)
  • *Deliveries with missing data on crystalloids doses but available data on colloids doses (16 patients’ records) were included in the colloids plus crystalloids group in the statistical analysis.