Table 1

School performance, school completion and health service use outcome measures

OutcomeData sourceOutcome measure
School performance and completion
NAPLAN – readingNAPLANNumber of children above/below NMS
NAPLAN – spellingNAPLANNumber of children above/below NMS
NAPLAN - writingNAPLANNumber of children above/below NMS
NAPLAN – grammar and punctuationNAPLANNumber of children above/below NMS
NAPLAN - numeracyNAPLANNumber of children above/below NMS
School completion – year 10Record of School Achievement and the Higher School CertificateNumber of children not completing/completing year 10
School completion – year 11Record of School Achievement and the Higher School CertificateNumber of children not completing/completing year 11
School completion – year 12Record of School Achievement and the Higher School CertificateNumber of children not completing/completing year 12
Health service use
ED presentationsED presentation dataNumber of ED presentations
Hospital admissionsHospital admissions dataNumber of hospitalisations
Hospital length of stayHospital admissions dataTotal hospital length of stay
Hospital treatment costHospital admissions dataTotal hospital treatment cost
Mental health client contactsAmbulatory mental health client dataNumber of mental health client contacts
  • ED, emergency department; NAPLAN, National Assessment Plan for Literacy and Numeracy; NMS, national minimum standard.