Table 2

Outcome measures as reported by healthcare professionals (HCPs) for the outpatient setting in children 1–18 years; step 2 (n=109)

Domain: defecation
ConstipationDuration of constipation3
Disappearance of constipation2
Defecation frequencyDefecation frequency60
Regular soft bowel movements1
Stool consistencyStool consistency34
Quality of stools3
Painful defecationPain with defecation21
Domain: associated symptoms
Abdominal pain/discomfortAbdominal pain42
No bowel distention1
Abdominal bloating1
Faecal incontinenceFaecal incontinence28
Bowel habits—otherBlood in stool9
Less anxious to defecate3
Normal bowel movement2
Less stool withholding2
Clarity of bowel movement1
Amount of stool1
Sensation of emptying1
Number of days without stool1
Emergency defecation on the way to school1
Other gastrointestinal complaintsLess gas1
Domain: quality of life
Quality of lifeQuality of life of child/parents18
Reduce stress in family4
Reduce parental anxiety3
Behaviour/energy/mood of child3
Normal social life1
Parent’s discomfort1
Domain: treatment success
Faecal impactionRectal impaction3
Faecal impaction resolves1
Efficiency of disimpaction1
No effect of clean out1
SatisfactionSatisfaction of child/parent4
Patient satisfaction1
Parental satisfaction1
Treatment complianceTreatment compliance5
Improve appetite/normalisation of food intake3
Eating problems2
Less milk1
More fibre1
Nutritional status1
EducationParental reassurance1
Explanation of normal stool pattern1
Explanation of long duration of therapy1
Explanation about the disease1
ImprovementTime to improvement of symptoms2
Improvement of clinical status1
Adequate reliefAdequate relief rated by patients and parents1
Lack of successLack of success1
Domain: use of medication
MedicationUse of laxatives8
Characteristics of medication (like taste and side effects)8
Re-education of pharmacological treatment2
No medication required2
Efficacy of medication2
Decrease of harmful medication1
Already used medication1
Domain: hospital
Hospital visitsFewer consultations with HCPs3
Number of visits to outpatient department1
Domain: other
Weight loss1
OtherSchool attendance4
Manage anal fissure3
Frequency of voiding1
Costs of treatment1
Presence of alarm symptoms1
Adequate nursing by family1
Physical examination1
Colonic transit time1
Decrease of diameter of the rectum1
Control of sphincter1
  • Three unclear outcomes such as ‘familiar environment’ and ‘organisation’ were not displayed.