Table 2

Numbers of treatment centres (%) that confirmed each rehabilitation service to be accessible at their centre for children and young people diagnosed with a CNS tumour, with main level of accessibility to those services for inpatients and for outpatients in 2016

RehabilitationInpatient servicesOutpatient services
Number of centres able to access,
n=19 (%)
Ease of access if availableNumber of centres able to access,
n=19 (%)
Ease of access if available
Physiotherapy19 (100)Easy18 (95)Moderate
Occupational therapy19 (100)Easy16 (84)Moderate
Speech and language therapy18 (95)Easy13 (68)Difficult
Neuropsychology for cognitive testing16 (84)Moderate17 (89)Difficult
Psychology for emotional and behavioural support18 (95)Moderate18 (95)Difficult
Endocrinology18 (95)Easy16 (84)Moderate
Ophthalmology17 (89)Easy17 (89)Moderate
Audiology17 (89)Easy17 (89)Easy
Educational support16 (84)Easy14 (74)Moderate
Other5 (26)3 (16)
None1 (5)1 (5)
  • CNS, central nervous system.