Table 2

Study results

Author, yearDescription of interventionIntervention targeted at treating pain?Pain measure usedChange in pain score following intervention
Crawley et al,
Lightning Process course of 3×4 hour sessions on consecutive days in small groupsNoPain Visual Analogue Scale I ntervention group ver s us control group
−9.3 (−21.1 to 2.6), p=0.124 at 6 months
−6.5 (−19.4 to 6.5), p=0.321 at 12 months
Knoop et al, 200720(Analysis of data from Stulemeijer et al, 2005)41 CBT
10 sessions in 5 months
Two CBT protocols were used. One was for patients with a passive physical activity pattern and another for relatively active patients.
NoMean Daily Observed Pain (DOP) score calculated from a Likert scale of 1 (no pain) to 4 (very severe pain) done 4× per day for 12 days.

% of patients with pain level within range of healthy controls defined as DOP score <2.3.
Change in DOP score of CBT group v ersus waiting list control
−2.21 (SD=3.85) vs −0.36 (SD=2.19)
T=−2.44, p=0.04

% of participants with DOP score within range of healthy controls in CBT group v e r s us waiting list group
56% vs 29% (χ² 4.38, df=1, p=0.04)
Nijhof et al, 201321 CBT
6-month course of either internet-based (FITNET) or face-to-face CBT
NoMean DOP score calculated from a Likert scale of 1 (no pain) to 4 (very severe pain) done 4× per day for 12 days.

Average pressure pain threshold (kg).
Recovered group v e r s us non-recovered group
Average DOP −2.9 (−4.2 to 1.6), p=<0.001
Average pain threshold +1.2 (0.2–2.2), p=0.019
Sulheim et al, 201422 9 weeks’ daily oral clonidine hydrochlorideNoBrief Pain Inventory average pain score Clonidine group versus placebo group
0.5 (−0.16 to 1.16), p=0.14 at week 8
0.4 (−0.4 to 1.1), p=0.32 at week 30
van Geelen et al, 201123 Self-confrontation method
6 or 12 sessions
NoCHQ-87 Bodily Pain Subscale Change in bodily pain score at 4 months
6 sessions 11.8 (SD 28.1), p=>0.05
12 sessions 22.7 (SD 22.5), p=<0.05
Healthy controls 4.0 (SD 13.5), p=>0.05
  • CBT, cognitive–behavioural therapy; CHQ, Child Health Questionnaire; FITNET, Fatigue in Teenagers on the Internet.