Table 2f

Erythropoietin, darbepoetin, bumetanide

ErythropoietinnStudy typeAbsorptionVD (L/kg)Metabolite CL (mL/kg/hour)CL (mL/kg/hour)t1/2 (hour)
Frymoyer et al7047Prospective/VC=0.074
Wu et al6824Prospective/0.095–0.178/7.7–15.6
CL↓ with dose↑
Roberts et al7326Prospective/0.511/15.023.6
Baserga et al7230Prospective///40.0–50.024–35
Jullien et al81 (Bumetanide)14Prospective/0.23/19.88.4
Pressler et al82 (Bumetanide)14Prospective/0.23/19.88.4
Favié et al74
  • AUC, area under the curve; CL, total body clearance; DH, deep hypothermia; HMG, 1-hydroxymidazolam glucuronide; MEGX, monoethylglycinexylidide; MH, moderate hypothermia; NT, normothermia; OHM, 1-hydroxymidazolam; PNA, postnatal age; RCT, randomised controlled trial; t1/2, half life; TH, therapeutic hypothermia; VC, central distribution volume; VD, volume of distribution; VP, peripheral distribution volume.