Table 4

Actual numbers and proportion of attendance (in brackets) in 2019 and 2020 for each disease, with p values associated with the test for the equality between two proportions and the effect size (those associated with non-significant differences are reported in grey)

DiseaseMarch 2019 (%)March 2020 (%)P valueEffect size
Headache111 (1.4)18 (1.3)>0.10.009
Febrile seizures97 (1.2)20 (1.4)>0.10.018
Epilepsy and other neurological diseases*158 (2.0)43 (3.1)<0.050.070
Fever**1185 (15.0)324 (23.3)<0.000010.212
Acute respiratory disease**2069 (26.2)222 (15.9)<0.000010.254
Acute gastrointestinal disease**1196 (15.1)93 (6.7)<0.000010.275
Abdominal pain**789 (10.0)97 (7.0)<0.0010.108
Head injury**238 (3.0)90 (6.5)<0.000010.167
Accidental trauma467 (5.9)95 (6.8)>0.10.037
Poisoning*57 (0.7)20 (1.4)<0.050.070
Psychiatric disease**23 (0.3)16 (1.2)<0.00010.110
Others1510 (19.1)353 (25.4)<0.000010.152
  • Significance levels: **p<0.01; *p<0.05.