Table 3

Moderate to severe adverse events in paediatric massage therapy (n=27)

First author (year), location
Study design
Indication for treatmentAE
n event/N populationAgeTime of AEGenderType of MTMT practitionerOutcome (grade)Notes from study authors
Rudnicki et al (2012),54 Poland
Assessing the physiological effects* of MT in preterm infantsArterial oxygen desaturation <85%
4/3939 preterm infants, 22 <32 weeks GA and 17 ≥32 weeks GA18 days (n=17), 24 days (n=22)5 FShantal (stroking and rubbing whole body)Therapist/motherWithdrawn from the study (grade 2)No other information was given by the authors about management or resolution of this AE
Masoodi et al (2014),55 India
Case series
Breast hypertrophy (12 mastitis and 20 abscess)Mastitis and breast abscesses
15/32 received MT to express secretions for breast hypertrophy6–48 daysNSNSRepeated breast massageNSResolved after antibiotic therapy/drainage of abscess (grade 3)Massage for neonatal breast hypertrophy should not be performed
Razafimahandry et al (2007),44 Madagascar
Case series
Upper arm osteomyelitis (Staphylococcus aureus)Severe infection due to delayed diagnosis (20–60 days)
4/45–11 yearsNS2 F
2 M
Traditional massageNS3 cases resolved after hospitalisation and antibiotic therapy (grade 3)One case was a severely cachectic 11-year-old boy diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and died of septic shock 5 days later; no other details regarding his death was described
Guilbert et al (2007),53 France
Case series
FlatulenceStatus epilepticus
1/14 months72 h1 FAbdominal massage with camphor-containing lotionCaregiverHospitalised, intubated, treated for status epilepticus (grade 4)Other investigations were normal; the infant was extubated after 3 days and later discharged home with a normal neurological examination
Kalinga et al (1996),33 Singapore
Case report
Swelling of right thigh due to osteochondromaPopliteal artery pseudoaneurysm
1/116 years3rd session of massageMMT with herbal medicine (5 sessions)Traditional Chinese medicine practitionerResolved after hospitalisation and surgery (grade 3)Diagnosis was right popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm after the 5th session of MT. At surgery, femoral artery defect was found adjacent to the osteochondroma
Medvedev (1994),57 Russia
Case report
Autonomic nervous system dysfunctionAcute unilateral neurosensory hearing loss
1/114 yearsDuring treatmentMTonic MT of the neck including trapezius muscleNSRecovered with hospitalisation; medications plus ‘5 sessions of TENS for 8th cranial nerve’ (grade 3)The boy with ANS dysfunction received MT and developed acute unilateral neurosensory hearing loss with noise. MT stimulated the ANS and caused vascular spasm leading to decreased blood flow to the cochlea and subsequent hearing impairment
Ram et al (1994),32 Malaysia
Case report
HydroceleScrotal haematoma
1/11 day1st dayMTraditional MT to testes with warm sand bagNSResolved after surgery (grade 3)None
  • AE, adverse event; ANS, autonomic nervous system; CCT, controlled clinical trial (non-randomised controlled trial); F, female; GA, gestational age; M, male; MT, massage therapy; NS, not stated; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.