Table 1

Effects of armed conflict on child health

DeathIncreased mortality rates (infants)Curlin et al5
Blast injuriesIncreased morbidity and mortality (young children)Milwood Hargrave et al6
DisabilityAmputationsBertani et al7
BurnsIncreased mortality ratesBorgman et al8
Sexual violenceMore likely in children under 18 yearsNelson et al9
TorturePhysical and mentalRashid10
Mental healthPost traumatic stress disorder, behavioural and emotional problems, sleep problems, disturbed play and psychosomatic symptomsSlone and Mann1
Sleep disturbanceNightmares, delayed sleep onsetMontgomery and Foldspang11
MalnutritionIncreased ratesCliff et al12
InfectionsIncreased ratesChironna et al13
Parental separationMalnutrition, increased rates of abuse, earlier menarchePesonen et al14
AbuseIncreased by injured parentsHisle-Gorman et al15
Lack of access to educationSelf-esteem problems, worries regarding employment, illiteracyMann16