Table 1

Total number of CT scans <1 year old and presenting problems and number of positive CT scans for intracranial pathology

PresentationScans—total 135Intracranial pathology on CTPositive for skull fracture onlyPositive for intracranial haemorrhage*±skull fracture
Trauma, fall±vomit7428820
Head swelling11202
NAI screen7000
  • From all the traumatic presentations, only one child was taken to theatre for emergency craniotomy. All the others were managed conservatively in either the surgical unit or the PICU.

  • *Extra-axial haemorrhage 2; epidural haematoma 1; subdural haematoma 8; subarachnoid haemorrhage 9; combination of haemorrhage 9.

  • †Reasons for CT in this population that were not related to trauma or suspected trauma and labelled as other include; sepsis; seizures; irritable/drowsy or suspected CVA.

  • CVA, cerebrovascular accident; NAI, non-accidental injury; PICU, paediatric intensive care unit.