Table 1

Participant characteristics

N (%)
 Female9 (90)
 Male1 (10)
Age (years)
 18–24 0 (0)
 25–40 6 (60)
 41–50 y4 (40)
Marital status
 Single (never married)3 (30)
 Married/civil partner7 (70)
Age of child when diagnosed with congenital CMV
 From birth3 (30)
 Under 12 months4 (40)
 13 months–2 years1 (10)
 3–4 years1 (10)
 5 years and above1 (10)
Age of child at time of interview
 0–12 months1 (10)
 13–23 months0 (0)
 2–5 years5 (50)
 6–10 years2 (20)
 11–15 years2 (20)
Severity of congenital CMV
 Hearing loss (unilateral or bilateral)6 (60)
 Developmental and motor delay1 (10)
 Severely disabled2 (20)
 Unknown1 (10)
 White English9 (90)
 Other British1 (10)
Parental highest qualifications
 GCSE/BTEC or equivalent1 (10)
 AS/A-levels or equivalent2 (20)
 PGCert/PGDip or equivalent1 (10)
 BSc/BA or equivalent2 (20)
 MSc/Postgraduate diplomas or equivalent4 (40)
  • AS, Advanced Subsidiary; BA, Bachelor of Arts; BSc, Bachelor of Science; BTEC, Business and Technology Education Council; CMV, cytomegalovirus; GCSE, General Certificate of Secondary Education; MSc, Master of Science; PGCert, postgraduate certificate; PGDip, postgraduate diploma.