Table 2

Clinical and semiological characteristics of the 57 CHs

Location, n (%)
 head and neck19 (33)675
 Trunk9 (16)351
 Limbs29 (51)12107
  Upper limbs12 (21)552
  lower limbs17 (30)755
Size, n (%)
 < 2 cm11 (19)461
 2–5 cm27 (47)1377
 > 5 cm19 (33)595
Shape, n (%)
 Macula14 (24)0140
 Infiltrated plaque18 (33)882
 Bulky raised tumor25 (44)14011
Telangiectasia, n (%)55 (97)22 (100%)20 (91 %)13 (100%)
Peripheral pale halo, n (%)33 (58)9168
Peripheral draining veins (%)9 (16)261
Murmur, n0000
Pulsatility, n1010
Warm on palpation, n6132
Other vascular anomalies, n6*231
  • *It was exclusively infantile haemangiomas or port-wine stains.

  • CHs, congenital haemangiomas; PICH, partially involuting congenital haemangioma; RICH, rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma.