Table 1

Characteristics of included papers on decision-making for the infant sleep environment in families with children considered to be at high risk of SUDI: studies using interviews

Lead author
Sample sizeStudy aimTarget populationTopic guide broad categoriesAnalysisQATSDD score (%)
16To explore parents’ understanding of the recommended cot death prevention strategies and sleep practicesParents of infants 0–6 months, recruitment in disadvantaged areaAdvice given and current infant sleep practicesThematic analysis27/42 (64.3)
Crane and Ball
46How white British and Pakistani mothers in Bradford recall, understand and interpret SIDS-reduction guidanceMothers residing in socioeconomically deprived inner city areas, with infants aged 8–12 weeksFeeding, baby’s sleep (surface, room, position, swaddling and temperature), day care, temperature, dummy use, cultural norms and health informationThematic analysis30/42 (71.4)
New Zealand (Master’s thesis)26
13Maternal values, safe sleep knowledge and how practical realities influence decision-making in the night-time care of infants.Mothers living in economically deprived areas with babies under 6 months oldNight-time care, partner involvement, advice, sources, trust, conflicting information, mothering, safety and sleep, and risk taking (self and others)Thematic analysis32/42 (76.2)
Pease et al
20To understand why some mothers in the UK do not follow the recommended SIDS advice, in particular, mothers who are more at risk of suffering a SIDS tragedyMothers with three or more from: maternal age of <26 years, three or more children, smoking during pregnancy, Index of Multiple Deprivation score in the most deprived quintileinfant sleep position, cosleeping, smoking, dummy use, feeding and disrupted routinesThematic analysis28/42 (66.7)
UK (PhD thesis)29
5Lived experience of young first-time mothers identified as being at increased risk of experiencing SUDI, their understanding of safe sleep practices, what factors influence their decision-making and behaviour in relation to their infant’s sleep environment, and whether infant care practices change over timeWhite British pregnant women, first child, aged 16–21 years, with at least one of smoking; misuse of drugs or alcohol; unemployment or low income; reported housing issues (rented, overcrowding and homelessness/sofa surfing)Understanding of safe sleep practices, what factors influence their decision-making and behaviour in relation to their infant’s sleep environment and whether infant care practices change over timeInterpretative phenomenological analysis42/42 (100.0)
  • QATSDD, Quality Assessment Tool for Studies with Diverse Designs; SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome; SUDI, sudden unexpected death in infancy.