Table 1

ReSVinet Scale*

Item0 point1 point2 points3 points
Feeding intoleranceNo.Mild: decreased appetite and/or isolated vomits with cough.Partial: frequent vomits with cough, rejected feed but able to tolerate fluids sufficiently to ensure hydration.Total: oral intolerance or absolute rejection of oral feed, not able to guarantee adequate hydration orally. Required nasogastric and/or intravenous fluids.
Medical interventionNo.Basic: nasal secretions aspiration, physical examination, trial of nebulised bronchodilators, antipyretics.Intermediate: oxygen therapy required. Complementary examinations were needed (chest X-rays, blood gases, hematimetry, etc). Maintained nebulised therapy with bronchodilators.High: required respiratory support with positive pressure (either non-invasive in continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or high-flow oxygen; or invasive through endotracheal tube).
Respiratory difficultyNo.Mild: not in basal situation but does not appear severe. Wheezing only audible with stethoscope, good air entrance. If modified Wood-Downes, Wang score or any other respiratory distress score is applied, it indicates mild severity.Moderate: makes some extra respiratory effort (intercostal and/or tracheosternal retraction). Presented expiratory wheezing audible even without stethoscope, and air entrance may be decreased in localised areas. If modified Wood-Downes, Wang score or any other respiratory distress score is applied, it indicates moderate severity.Severe: respiratory effort is obvious. Inspiratory and expiratory wheezing and/or clearly decreased air entry. If modified Wood-Downes, Wang score or any other respiratory distress score is applied, it indicates high severity.
Respiratory frequencyNormal <2 months: 40–50 bpm.
2–6 months: 35–45 bpm.
6–12 months: 30–40 bpm.
12–24 months: 25–35 bpm.
24–36 months: 20–30 bpm.
Mild or occasional tachypnoea:
presented episodes of tachypnoea, well tolerated, limited in time by self-resolution or response to secretion aspiration or nebulisation.
Prolonged or recurrent tachypnoea: tachypnoea persisted or recurred despite secretion aspiration and/or nebulisation with bronchodilators.Severe alteration: severe and sustained tachypnoea. Very superficial and quick breath rate. Normal/low breath rate with obvious increased respiratory effort and/or mental status affected. Orientative rates of severe tachypnoea: <2 months: >70 bpm; 2–6 months: >60 bpm; 6–12 months: >55 bpm; 12–24 months: >50 bpm; 24–36 months: >40 bpm.
ApnoeaNo.Yes. At least one episode of respiratory pause medically documented or strongly suggested through anamnesis.
General conditionNormal.Mild: not in basal situation, child was mildly uncomfortable but does not appear to be in a severe condition, not impress of severity. Parents are not alarmed. Could wait in the waiting room or even stay at home.Moderate: patient looks ill and will need medical examination and eventually further complementary examinations and/or therapy. Parents are concerned. Cannot wait in the waiting room.Severe: agitated, apathetic, lethargic. No need for medical training to realise severity. Parents are very concerned. Immediate medical evaluation and/or intervention were required.
FeverNo.Yes, mild central temperature <38.5°C.Yes, moderate central temperature >38.5°C.
  • Reproduced from Justicia-Grande et al.15

  • *The original article also contains the version for parents.

  • BiPAP, bilevel positive airway pressure; bpm, breaths per minute; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; ReSVinet, Respiratory Syncytial Virus network.