Table 2

Adherence to therapy and spacer use during lockdown

Variablesn (% (95% CI))
Asthma controller use
 No56 (19 (14.4 to 23.3))
 Yes241 (81 (76.2 to 85.4))
  Fluticasone inhaler126 (52 (45.8 to 58.7))
  Fluticasone/salmeterol65 (27 (21.5 to 33.5))
  Beclomethasone inhaler39 (16 (11.8 to 21.5))
  Nebulised beclomethazone11 (5 (2.3 to 8.0))
Use of inhaler with a spacer
 No102 (34 (29 to 40))
 Yes195 (66 (60 to 71))
 Daily117 (60 (52.8 to 67.0))
 Most of the time (4–6 days/week)29 (15 (10.2 to 20.7))
 Rarely (<3 days/weeks)49 (25 (19.2 to 31.8))
Reasons for no compliance on controller
 Fear of dependency42 (41 (31.5 to 51.4))
 Forgetfulness20 (20 (12.4 to 28.7))
 Fear of side effects40 (39 (29.7 to 49.4))
COVID-19 pandemic has increased adherence to medications
 Yes181 (61 (55.1 to 66.5))
 No116 (39 (33.5 to 44.9))
Did child continue using preventers on prescribed dose during lockdown?
 Yes194 (65 (59.6 to 70.7))
 No103 (35 (29.3 to 40.4))
Reasons for no using/reducing dose of medications
 Child was stable during lockdown.81 (79 (69.5 to 86.1)
 Complicated procedure to get medicine for hospital16 (16 (9.2 to 24.0))
 Inability to reach hospital during lockdown6 (6 (2.2 to 12.3))
Days of SABA* use per week during the lockdown
 Less than 2 days227 (76 (71.2 to 81.1))
 2–4 days47 (16 (11.9 to 20.5))
 5 or more23 (8 (5.0 to 11.4))