Table 2

Number of children answering each SKPI question correctly, including a breakdown of the total sample into boys and girls

n /N
Gender differences1. Identification dressed boy/girl89 /8944 /4445 /45
2. Explanation gender dressed boy/girl76 /8334 /4042 /43
3. Identification own gender81 /8439 /4242 /42
4. Explanation own gender41 /8115 /4026 /41
Incl. genital differences44
5. Identification naked boy/girl89 /8944 /4445 /45
6. Explanation gender difference naked boy/girl79 /8836 /4443 /44
Incl. genital differences723339
Children’s genitals and their functions7. Naming of girl’s genitals59 /8024 /3935 /41
8. Function of girl’s genitals*59 /6428 /3231 /32
Incl. sexual function11
9. Naming of boy’s genitals79 /8139 /4040 /41
10. Function of boy’s genitals*62 /6431 /3231 /32
Incl. sexual function11
Adult’s genitals and their functions11. Naming of breasts79 /8936 /4443 /45
12. Function of breasts53 /8821 /4432 /44
13. Naming of female genitals66 /9028 /4538 /45
14. Function of female genitals79 /8537 /4241 /43
Incl. sexual function11
15. Naming of male genitals83 /9040 /4543 /45
16. Function of male genitals82 /8838 /4343 /45
Incl. sexual function11
Adult intimacy17. Insight kissing adults88 /9043 /4545 /45
18. Insight adults making love34 /9014 /4520 /45
Child intimacy19. Insight children’s play72 /9034 /4538 /45
20. Insight doctor examining child48 /9026 /4522 /45
21. Insight male bent over girl in bed74 /9037 /4537 /45
22. Insight female washing boy in shower84 /9040 /4544 /45
23. Insight crying child in bed with female62 /9025 /4537 /45
  • *Question missing in primary version of the manual.