Table 1

Characteristics of included mothers, neonates and birth attendants

n (%)
n (%)
Birth attendantsn=45
n (%)
Age (years)GenderAge (years)
 15–1915 (15) Female52 (52) 20–3014 (31)
 20–2442 (42) Male47 (47) 31–4121 (47)
 30–3410 (10) Birth type 42–5210 (23)
 35–4911 (11) Singleton90 (90)Qualification level
Antenatal attendance Twins9 (9) Degree nurse2 (4)
 Yes96 (97)Apgar score at 1 min Diploma midwife27 (60)
 No3 (3) 0–328 (28) Certificate midwife16 (36)
Birth order 4–658 (58)Attended HBB refresher course
 First child38 (38) ≥712 (12) Yes27 (60)
 Second child19 (19)Apgar score at 5 min† No18 (40)
 Third child or later42 (42) 0–36 (6)Time since last HBB refresher course
 Pregnancy complications 4–645 (45) ≤6 months10 (37)
 Obstructed labour14 (14) ≥748 (48) 6–12 months4 (15)
 Fetal distress4 (4)Birth weight in grams ≥12 months13 (48)
 Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia3 (3) 1000–14997 (7)Reasons for not attending HBB refresher course
 Breech5 (5) 1500–19999 (9) I have adequate knowledge8 (18)
 Cord prolapse2 (2) 2000–299926 (26) No time9 (20)
 Oligohydramnios6 (6) ≥300056 (56) No finances10 (22)
 Preterm birth1 (1) No such course was offered4 (9)
 Other*16 (16) No opportunity5 (11)
 No complications48 (48) No answer2 (4)
Mode of deliveryUsed the HBB action plan during resuscitations
 Spontaneous vaginal delivery48 (48) Yes41 (91)
 Caesarean section48 (48) No4 (9)
 Instrumental delivery3 (3)
  • *Other: cervical dystocia, bleeding conditions such as placenta previa or placental abruption, and delayed second stage of labour, which in 14 out of 16 occurrences resulted in a caesarean section.

  • †Apgar score at 10 min was not included as most attention is given to the scoring at 5 min.

  • HBB, Helping Babies Breathe.