Table 2

Clinical outcome of non-crying neonates who were stimulated with cord intact versus cord clamped

Intact cord during stimulation, n=671 (26.2%)Cord clamped before stimulation, n=1892 (73.8%)P value
Spontaneous breathing
 Yes, 1847544 (81.1%)1303 (68.9%)
 No, 716127 (18.9%)589 (31.1%)<0.0001
Bag-and-mask ventilation
 No, 1829550 (82.0%)1279 (67.6%)
 Yes, 734121 (18.0%)613 (32.4%)<0.0001
Apgar Score at 1 min
 4 or more, 2214598 (92.4%)1616 (88.3%)
 3 or less, 26449 (7.6%)215 (11.5%)0.001
Apgar Score at 5 min
 7 or more, 2196596 (92.1%)1597 (87.3%)
 6 or less, 28451 (7.9%)233 (12.7%)<0.0001
Birth outcome
 Live born, 2513654 (97.5%)1859 (98.3%)
 Stillborn, 5017 (2.5%)33 (1.7%)0.198
 No, 2528666 (99.3%)1862 (98.4%)
 Yes, 355 (0.7%)30 (1.6%)0.123