Table 6

Bivariate comparison of various clinical and laboratory parameters in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children cases who required mechanical ventilation versus those who did not require mechanical ventilation*

Clinical and laboratory parameters of MIS-C casesMechanical ventilation required
Mechanical ventilation not required
P value†
Presence of shock requiring inotropic agents – no. (%)7 (88)14 (42)0.045
Median D-dimer mg/L (IQR)4.5 (2.9–16.3)2.3 (1.0–3.9)0.016
Median serum ferritin μg/L (IQR)1178.0 (717.0–23 840.0)266.0 (153.0–555.0)0.001
Median ESR mm/hour (IQR)
 no./total no. (%)
8.0 (7.0–10.0)40 (27–51)0.016
3/8 (38)11/33 (33)
Median serum AST IU/L (IQR)188.0 (37.8–741.2)33.0 (26.0–60.5)0.008
Median serum procalcitonin μg/L (IQR)
 no./total no. (%)
5.4 (2.1–41.5)11.1 (1.6–51.0)0.716
4/8 (50)12/33 (36)
Median serum NT-proBNP pg/mL
(IQR) no./total no. (%)
3533.5 (2141.5–46 767.5)1138.0 (349.0–6725.0)0.096
6/8 (75)13/33 (39)
Median serum troponin ng/L (IQR)
 no./total no. (%)
55.2 (14.5–945.3)15.0 (4.8–29.2)0.143
4/8 (50)26/33 (78)
Median absolute lymphocyte count (IQR)825 (521–2218)1588 (895–3489)0.061
Lymphopenia at admission -no. (%)‡7 (88)19 (58)0.220
Mean CRP mg/L±SD101.0±85.3123±78.90.474
Median serum ALT IU/L (IQR)141.0 (25.0–543.0)29.0 (21.0–43.5)0.113
Presence of coronary abnormalities - no. (%)4 (50)11 (33)0.434
Presence of LV dysfunction - no. (%)3 (38)7 (21)0.378
  • *Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding. IQR denotes IQR showing 25th and 75th centiles.

  • †P value was calculated by applying appropriate statistical tests according to the distribution of the data. Independent sample t-test or Mann-Whitney tests were applied to compare the potential markers of severity. The Bonferroni’s correction was applied for multiple comparisons. A p value of <0.0035 was considered statistically significant.

  • ‡Lymphopenia defined as <3000 lymphocytes/μL (<2 years age), <1500 lymphocytes/μL (2–12 years age), and <1000 lymphocytes/μL (>12 years age).

  • ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CRP, C reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; NT-ProBNP, N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide.