Table 1

Data extraction form for studies included in the review and meta-analysis

General information
 Data form completed (dd/mm/yyyy)
 Name/ID of data extractor
 Study ID
 Author last name_study year
 Study citation
 Year of study conduct
 Country of study conduct
 Funding source
 Conflict of interest
Characteristics of included studies
 Aim of study
 Study design
 Method of randomisation
 Start date
 End date
Participant characteristics
 Population description
 Inclusion criteria
 Exclusion criteria
 Number of participants
 Baseline imbalances*
 Birth weight (grams)
 Gestational age (weeks)
 Postnatal age (hours, days or weeks)
 Underlying condition/cause of hypotension
 Concurrent medications
Intervention/exposure characteristics
Hydrocortisone details
 Timing of administration
 Primary or rescue therapy or other
 Dosing details
 Initial dose (mg/kg)
 Maintenance dose (mg/kg/day)
 Treatment interval (hours)
 Treatment length (hours)
 Cumulative dose (mg/kg)
Control/comparator details
Outcomes details†
Primary outcomes
Yes or No
If Yes,
 Urine output
 Inotropic support
 Serum lactate
 MortalityDeath in the ICU
Yes or No
Secondary outcomes§
Major neurosensory disability
 Moderate to severe motor impairment
 Moderate to severe cognitive impairment
 Cerebral palsy
 Visual impairment
 Hearing impairment
Occurrence of adverse events
 Gastrointestinal events
Hospital acquired infection
  • *Statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in baseline characteristics between intervention and control or exposed and unexposed participant groups, as reported by the study authors.

  • †The primary and secondary outcome variables are defined as per the primary studies.

  • ‡Within first 12 hours of treatment initiation.

  • §For all secondary outcome variables, the number or % in exposed vs unexposed groups; attributed to hydrocortisone will be applied for the analysis.

  • BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; MBP, mean blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.