Table 3

Sugar claims present on infant and toddler foods by food category N (%)

Food categorynAny sugar claimSavoury / bland taste profileSweet taste profile
n (%)n (%)g sugars / 100 g median (range)>4 g sugars / 100 gn (%)g sugars / 100 g median (range)>4 g sugars / 100 g
Infant meals182126 (69.2)
1.Main meals7050 (71.4)48 (96.0)2.8 (0.8 to 8.5)7 (14.5)2 (4.0)8.7 (6.3 to 11)2 (100)
2.Fruit and veg first foods4538 (84.4)7 (18.4)5.6 (1.7 to 9.1)6 (85.7)31 (81.5)11.1 (7.5 to 14.4)31 (100)
3.Premade desserts and breakfasts4627 (58.3)27 (100)7.8 (4.9 to 15.8)27 (100)
4.Dry cereals166 (37.5)2 (33.3)0.5 (0.4 to 1.0)4 (66.6)2.9 (0.5 to 5.2)2 (50.0)
5.Misc.(dry pasta (n=4), other (n=1)*55 (100)4 (80.0)1.7 (0.3 to 3)
Toddler meals133 (23.0)
1.Main meals6
2.Fruit and veg first foods
3.Premade desserts and breakfasts42 (50.0)2 (50.0)5.3 (5.2 to 5.5)2 (100)
4.Dry cereals
5.Misc. (dry pasta)31 (33.3)1 (33.3)3.1 (n/a)
Total infant and toddler meals195128 (65.6)
Infant snack (finger) foods3321 (63.6)9 (75.0)3.8 (0.6 to 10.3)2 (22.2)12 (57.1)7.9 (3.6 to 9.9)11 (92)
Toddler snack foods5423 (42.6)11 (47.8)2.9 (0.5 to 13)2 (18.1)12 (52)44 (14 to 74.7)12 (100)
Total infant and toddler snacks8744 (50.6)
  • Infant and toddler foods with any sugar claim, by category. Categorised by savoury/bland and sweet taste profiles with median (range) of sugars g/100 g as per nutritional information panel, and number of foods with sugar content >4 g per 100 g as per Schedule 4 Standard 2.9.2—7.3 (d) if the monosaccharide and disaccharide content of added sugars and honey is more than 4 g/100 g, the word ‘sweetened’ must be included on the label.

  • *n=1 flavoured tea; not included in table.