Table 5

Summary of paediatric asthma national guidelines: focusing on management

GuidelineYearFirst-line managementAdd-on therapies*Treatment withdrawal
NICE Guidelines (UK)492017Aged 1–4 years: SABA monotherapy
Aged 5–16 years:
SABA monotherapy
Aged 1–4 years: second line: low-dose ICS, third line: low-dose ICS and LTRA, fourth line: referral for specialist management
Aged 5–16 years: second line: low-dose ICS, third line: low-dose ICS and LTRA, fourth line: low-dose ICS and LABA; fifth line: high-dose ICS and LABA; sixth line: referral for specialist management
Consider withdrawing maintenance treatment after 3 months of stable asthma. Only consider stopping ICS on those who are on ICS monotherapy.
GINA (global)2020215 years and under: SABA monotherapy
6–11 years:
combined low-dose ICS+SABA (as needed)
combined low-dose ICS+SABA
5 years and under: second line: low-dose ICS, third line: medium-dose ICS or low-dose ICE and LTRA, fourth line: refer for expert advice
Aged 6–11 years: second line: low-dose ICS; third line: low-dose ICS and LABA or medium-dose ICS or daily SMART combined ICS/LABA; refer for expert advice; fourth line: refer for phenotype assessment
Adolescents: second line: low-dose ICS; third line: medium-dose ICS; fourth line: medium-dose/high-dose ICS±LAMA; refer for phenotype assessment
Stepping down treatment should be considered when both asthma symptoms and lung function have been stable for a period of 3 months or more.
Canadian Thoracic Society
2021Aged 1–5 years: SABA monotherapy
Aged 6–11: SABA monotherapy
Age 12+: SABA monotherapy
Aged 1–5 years: second line: ICS and LTRA, third line: high-dose ICS and LTRA, fourth line: referral for specialist management
Aged 6–11: second line: ICS and LTRA; third line: high-dose ICS and LTRA; fourth line: high-dose ICS, LTRA and LABA; fifth line: high-dose ICS, LTRA, LABA and oral steroids
Age 12+: second line: ICS and LTRA; third line: ICS, LTRA and LABA; fourth line: high-dose ICS, LTRA, LABA and tiotropium
After asthma has been well controlled for a period of 3–6 months
National Asthma Council Australia302021Age 1–5 years:
SABA monotherapy
Aged six and over: SABA monotherapy
Age 1–5 years: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA; third line: low-dose ICS and LTRA; fourth line: referral for specialist management
Age 6 and over: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA; third line: low-dose ICS and LTRA or high-dose ICS or ICS/LABA combination; fourth line: referral for specialist management
Step-down of treatment should be considered when symptoms have been well controlled for a period of at least 6 months.
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ (New Zealand)312020Aged 1–4 years: SABA and low-dose ICS
Aged 5–11 years:
SABA monotherapy
Age 1–4 years: second line: low-dose ICS and LTRA, third line: referral for specialist management
Age 5–11 years: second line: SABA and low-dose ICS; third line: LABA and low-dose ICS; fourth line: LABA, high dose ICS, LTRA and referral for specialist management
If the child has been stable for 3 months or more on treatment, step-down with an incremental approach.
Irish College of General Practitioners
2020Aged 6–11:
ICS and SABA (ICS only to be taken when SABA is used as a reliever)
ICS and SABA (ICS only to be taken when SABA is used as a reliever)
Aged 6–11: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA (if ICS is not appropriate); third line: low-dose ICS and LABA or high dose ICS; fourth line: medium-dose ICS, LABA and referral to paediatrics for management advice; fifth line: refer to paediatrics for phenotype assessment
Adolescents: second line: low-dose ICS; third line: low-dose ICS and LABA; fourth line: medium-dose ICS and LABA or low dose ICS, LABA and LAMA; fifth line: refer to paediatrics for phenotype assessment
The Japanese Society of Allergology (Japan)272020Age 1–5 years:
SABA monotherapy
Age 6–15 years:
SABA monotherapy
Age 1–5 years: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA or disodium cromoglycate, third line: medium-dose ICS, fourth line: high dose ICS and LTRA
Age 6–15 years: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA, third line: medium-dose ICS or combined low-dose ICS/LABA, fourth line: high-dose ICS or combined medium dose ICS/LABA
International Consensus on Paediatric Asthma (global)252015Quotes GINA and NICE guidelinesQuotes GINA and NICE guidelines
GEMA (Spain)242009Age 3 and under:
SABA monotherapy
Age 3 and over:
SABA monotherapy
Age 3 and under: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA; third line: moderate-dose ICS or low-dose ICS and LTRA; fourth line: moderate-dose ICS and LTRA; fifth line: high-dose ICS and LTRA; consider adding LABA; sixth line: oral steroids
Age 3 and under: second line: low-dose ICS or LTRA; third line: moderate-dose ICS or low dose ICS and LTRA or low dose ICS and LABA; fourth line: moderate-dose ICS and LTRA or moderate-dose ICS and LABA; fifth line: high-dose ICS and LABA; consider adding LTRA and theophyllines; sixth line: consider oral steroids and omalizumab
Ministry of Health (Singapore)262008No stepwise approach outlinedNo stepwise approach outlinedConsider stepping down treatment when symptoms are stable for 3–6 months considering the child’s risk of poor outcomes. Do not stop ICS.
South African Thoracic Society (South Africa)672007Adolescents:
SABA +low-dose ICS
Adolescents : second line: LABA and ICS; third line: LABA, low-dose ICS and LTRA/LABA or high dose ICS or LABA, low dose ICS and theophyllines. Consider oral corticosteroids; fourth line: referral to specialist-
  • *SABA reliever therapy as required at any stage.

  • GINA, Global Initiative for Asthma; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LABA, long-acting beta agonist; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist; LTRA, leucotriene receptor antagonist; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; SABA, short-acting beta agonist; SMART, single maintenance and reliever therapy.