Table 1

Characteristics of study participants (n=488)

CharacteristicAll participantsInfant Toddler Checklist (ITC)
Child and family characteristicsn
 Female sex488223 (45.7)19 (41.3)204 (46.2)
 Birth weight, kg4563.2 (0.6)3.1 (0.6)3.3 (0.6)
 Body mass index, z-score4840.13 (1.1)0.17 (0.9)0.12 (1.1)
 Only child486220 (45.3)18 (39.1)202 (45.9)
 Maternal age at birth, years45234.4 (4.0)34.2 (3.8)34.5 (4.0)
 Maternal ethnicity*425
  European286 (67.3)22 (55.0)264 (68.6)
  Non-European139 (32.7)18 (45.0)121 (31.4)
 Maternal education480
  High school or less24 (5.0)2 (4.4)22 (5.1)
  College/university456 (95.0)43 (95.6)413 (94.9)
 Family income ($C)480
  Less than $40 00033 (6.9)9 (20.0)24 (5.5)
  $40 000–$79 99954 (11.3)8 (17.8)46 (10.6)
  $80 000–$149 999164 (34.2)13 (28.9)151 (34.7)
  $150 000+229 (47.7)15 (33.3)214 (49.2)
 Family immigration status465
  Canadian born269 (57.9)24 (54.6)245 (58.2)
  Immigrant, industrialised60 (12.9)2 (4.6)58 (13.8)
  Immigrant, non-industrialised136 (29.3)18 (40.9)118 (28.0)
 Family history of developmental concern†35629 (8.2)4 (10.8)25 (7.8)
 Age at baseline, months48818.5 (1.1)18.3 (0.8)18.5 (1.2)
 Positive ITC screen48846 (9.4)46 (100)0 (0)
  Concern for speech delay48828 (5.7)28 (60.9)0 (0)
  Concern for other communication delays48830 (6.2)30 (65.2)0 (0)
 Age at follow-up, months48846.6 (10.0)47.0 (9.5)46.6 (10.0)
 Developmental diagnosis48826 (5.3)8 (17.4)18 (4.1)
  • Data regarding baseline characteristics are presented as mean (SD) or N (%).

  • *Non-European consists of 37 mixed=2 or more ethnic groups (8.2%), 33 South Asian (6.8%), 31 East Asian (6.4%), 14 African and Caribbean (2.9%), 13 Latin American (2.7%), 7 Southeast Asian (1.4%), 3 West Asian/North African (0.6%), 1 Indigenous (0.2%).

  • †Family history of developmental concerns includes history of ASD, ADHD, or learning disability in mother, father or siblings.

  • ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorder.