Table 4

Balance of baseline characteristics for infants with gestational age 25–27 weeks (n=843) before and after propensity score matching for infants treated with less invasive surfactant administration (LISA) and the rest of the infants (non-LISA, panel 1), and for LISA infants and infants who received their initial dose of surfactant after endotracheal intubation (non-LISA+S, panel 2)

All patientsOnly patients who received surfactant
Before matchingAfter matchingBefore matchingAfter matching
Number of infants222621198198222441146146
Gestational age, days, mean187186187187187185186186
Birth weight*, g, mean877865879875877835877873
Apgar score, 5 min, mean7.
CRIB II score10.210.710.
Year of birth2015.12014.62015.02015.02015.12014.62014.82015.0
Small for gestational age*, %23%24%23%22%23%25%21%21%
Antenatal steroids, %94%90%94%93%94%90%93%93%
Caesarean section, %47%51%46%45%47%55%47%44%
Sex, female, %46%45%44%42%46%42%42%45%
  • *Not included in propensity score model, but shown for comparison.