Table 3

Characteristics of patients with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 infection (N=403) according to severity of disease (WHO COVID-19 Clinical Progression Scale of ≥6) and univariable ordinal logistic regression ORs for more severe disease along WHO COVID-19 Clinical Progression Scale

Mild/moderate disease
n=301 (%)
Severe disease
n=102 (%)
P value*Unadjusted OR of more severe disease†
Median age in years (IQR)‡3.21 (0.31–9.87)6.69 (1.31–13.46)0.002
Age≤30 days34 (11.3%)3 (2.9%)0.0090.56 (0.29–1.08)
Age category‡
 <1 year94 (31.4%)19 (18.6%)0.025Ref.
 1–4 years79 (26.4%)27 (26.5%)1.63 (0.98–2.70)
 5–11 years66 (22.1%)23 (22.5%)1.66 (0.97–2.84)
 ≥12 years60 (20.1%)33 (32.3%)2.23 (1.34–3.73)
Male sex171 (56.8%)56 (54.9%)0.8260.95 (0.66–1.38)
Admission period
 Prior to 1 July 202016 (5.3%)3 (2.9%)0.262Ref.
 Between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2020118 (39.2%)33 (32.3%)1.60 (0.61–4.22)
 Between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2021167 (55.5%)66 (64.7%)1.70 (0.66–4.42)
Admitted in Canada195 (64.8%)71 (69.6%)0.4420.75 (0.51–1.09)
Number of comorbidities
None173 (57.5%)43 (42.1%)0.009Ref.
1 comorbidity81 (26.9%)31 (30.4%)1.61 (1.05–2.48)
Multiple (>2) comorbidities47 (15.6%)28 (27.4%)2.58 (1.59–4.18)
Individual comorbidities§
Obesity25 (8.3%)25 (24.5%)<0.0014.72 (2.29–9.73)
Pulmonary disorders35 (11.6%)19 (18.6%)0.1042.60 (1.59–4.24)
 Non-asthma pulmonary disorders¶12 (4.0%)10 (9.8%)0.0473.11 (1.47–6.57)
 Asthma23 (7.6%)9 (8.8%)0.8652.01 (1.11–3.64)
Prematurity (<37 weeks’ gestational age)20 (6.6%)10 (9.8%)0.4051.35 (0.68–2.66)
Immunosuppression26 (8.6%)5 (4.9%)0.2840.31 (0.13–0.74)
 Malignancy**15 (5.0%)1 (1.0%)0.0830.07 (0.01–0.51)
Anaemia or haemoglobinopathy††7 (2.3%)6 (5.9%)0.1521.80 (0.61–5.29)
 Sickle cell anaemia4 (1.3%)2 (2.0%)0.6461.13 (0.25–5.24)
Neurological disorders‡‡33 (11.0%)23 (22.5%)0.0062.04 (1.22–3.41)
Cardiac disorders13 (4.3%)6 (5.9%)0.7091.57 (0.69–3.59)
Metabolic disorders8 (2.6%)4 (3.9%)0.5091.82 (0.55–6.04)
 Diabetes mellitus3 (1.0%)2 (2.0%)0.6042.38 (0.54–10.42)
Renal disorders9 (3.0%)5 (4.9%)0.3571.55 (0.57–4.24)
Hypertension4 (1.3%)5 (4.9%)0.0492.83 (0.84–9.53)
Chromosomal disorders§§3 (1.0%)5 (4.9%)0.0273.60 (1.02–12.63)
Others¶¶17 (5.6%)8 (7.8%)0.5781.76 (0.88–3.50)
Clinical features
Fever prior to or during admission***226 (81.3%)76 (84.4%)0.6040.96 (0.63–1.46)
Cough147 (48.8%)61 (59.8%)0.0711.93 (1.33–2.81)
Shortness of breath110 (36.5%)78 (76.5%)<0.00110.60 (6.83–16.45)
Vomiting91 (30.2%)36 (35.3%)0.4081.01 (0.68–1.51)
Rhinitis97 (32.2%)28 (27.4%)0.4370.93 (0.63–1.37)
Diarrhoea87 (28.9%)28 (27.4%)0.8781.04 (0.69–1.56)
Abdominal pain80 (26.6%)28 (27.4%)0.9660.80 (0.52–1.23)
Headache52 (17.3%)20 (19.6%)0.7031.20 (0.75–1.94)
Rash50 (16.6%)19 (18.6%)0.7530.86 (0.51–1.45)
Conjunctivitis46 (15.3%)22 (21.6%)0.1891.24 (0.75–2.06)
Myalgia46 (15.3%)14 (13.7%)0.8251.06 (0.64–1.76)
Pharyngitis50 (16.6%)10 (9.8%)0.1310.77 (0.46–1.29)
Wheeze37 (12.3%)17 (16.7%)0.3412.16 (1.34–3.49)
Chest pain27 (9.0%)12 (11.8%)0.5281.39 (0.76–2.52)
Cracked lips26 (8.6%)12 (11.8%)0.4611.14 (0.59–2.20)
Oedema of hands and feet19 (6.3%)8 (7.8%)0.7601.25 (0.59–2.64)
Anosmia10 (3.3%)2 (2.0%)0.7380.85 (0.30–2.44)
Seizures6 (2.0%)5 (4.9%)0.1551.73 (0.55–5.45)
Bacterial (positive cultures)†††14 (4.6%)10 (9.8%)0.0972.00 (0.93–4.30)
Viral15 (5.0%)17 (16.7%)<0.0014.10 (2.22–7.58)
Bacterial and/or viral29 (9.6%)25 (24.5%)<0.0013.23 (1.94–5.39)
No chest imaging done89 (29.6%)2 (2.0%)<0.0010.12 (0.05–0.28)
CXR and/or CT chest normal or had findings unrelated to COVID-19102 (33.9%)19 (18.6%)Ref.
CXR and/or CT chest abnormalities compatible with COVID-19110 (36.5%)81 (79.4%)3.63 (2.32–5.67)
Laboratory investigations
Leucopenia (<4×109/L)‡‡‡47 (16.5%)12 (11.9%)0.3440.66 (0.39–1.11)
Leucocytosis (>15×109/L)‡‡‡33 (11.6%)14 (13.9%)0.6701.23 (0.70–2.18)
Neutropenia (<1.5×109/L)§§§69 (24.5%)15 (14.8%)<0.0010.55 (0.34–0.87)
Normal neutrophil count§§§145 (51.6%)37 (36.6%)Ref.
Neutrophilia§§§67 (23.8%)49 (48.5%)2.59 (1.67–4.01)
Thrombocytopenia (<100×109/L)¶¶¶29 (10.2%)13 (12.9%)0.2751.14 (0.61–2.13)
Normal platelet count¶¶¶199 (70.1%)62 (61.4%)Ref.
Thrombocytosis (>450×109/L)¶¶¶56 (19.7%)26 (25.7%)1.14 (0.71–1.82)
CRP not done****51 (16.9%)9 (8.8%)0.003Ref.
Normal CRP****174 (57.8%)50 (49.0%)1.46 (0.84–2.53)
CRP >50 (mg/L)****76 (25.2%)43 (42.1%)2.32 (1.26–4.26)
Ferritin >500 (mcg/L)††††30 (26.1%)25 (36.8%)0.1752.15 (1.24–3.70)
Albumin <29 (g/L)‡‡‡‡24 (26.7%)22 (52.4%)0.0073.38 (1.84–6.21)
MIS-C diagnosis55 (18.3%)26 (25.5%)0.1531.24 (0.77–1.99)
  • *Comparisons between mild/moderate and severe disease performed using χ2 or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate for categorical data and Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous data as appropriate.

  • †ORs obtained from univariable ordinal logistic regression.

  • ‡A total of two children with mild/moderate disease were missing date of birth.

  • §Children are listed more than once if they had more than one comorbidity.

  • ¶Additional information is available for 14 out of 22 patients: obstructive sleep apnoea (n=5); bronchopulmonary dysplasia (n=3); pulmonary hypertension (n=2); cystic fibrosis (n=1); chronic aspiration pneumonia (n=1); subglottic stenosis (n=1); and Pierre-Robin anomaly (n=1).

  • **Malignancy consists of the following: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (n=11); neuroblastoma (n=2); lymphoma (n=1); rhabdomyosarcoma (n=1); and osteosarcoma (n=1).

  • ††Anaemia and/or haemoglobinopathy consist of the following: sickle cell disease (n=6); glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (n=2); anaemia of chronic disease (n=2); ovalocytosis (n=1); pancytopenia of unknown aetiology (n=1); and iron deficiency anaemia (n=1).

  • ‡‡Additional information is available for 47 out of 56 patients: syndromic condition with global developmental delay (GDD) (n=19); autism and/or GDD of unexplained etiology (n=10); cerebral palsy (n=7); muscular dystrophy (n=3); hydrocephalus (n=2); congenital microcephaly (n=2); brain tumor (n=1); focal cortical dysplasia (n=1); encephalopathy (n=1); and epilepsy (n=1).

  • §§Additional information is available for 7 out of 8 patients: Trisomy 21 (n=3); unbalanced translocation (n=2); Prader-Willi syndrome (n=1); and Miller-Dieker syndrome (n=1).

  • ¶¶Others consist of the following: gastrostomy (n=12); liver transplantation (n=2); coeliac disease (n=1); Crohn disease (n=1) failure to thrive (n=1); inflammatory bowel disease (n=1); inflammatory bowel disease and Hirschsprung disease (n=1); unclear liver disease (n=1); oesophageal atresia (n=1); scoliosis (n=2); liver cirrhosis and cholestasis (n=1); and Glanzmann thrombasthenia (n=1).

  • ***A total of 35 children were missing data on fever prior to or during admission (23 with mild/moderate disease and 12 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 368.

  • †††Children with one of the following are included: blood culture thought to be truly positive and/or positive endotracheal tube cultures treated with antibiotics for presumptive bacterial pneumonia and/or positive bacterial culture from another site treated with antibiotics.

  • ‡‡‡A total of 17 children were missing leukocyte values (16 with mild/moderate disease and 1 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 386.

  • §§§A total of 21 children were missing a neutrophil value (20 with mild/moderate disease and 1 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 382. Cut-off values for neutrophilia are age dependent.

  • ¶¶¶A total of 18 children were missing a platelet value (17 with mild/moderate disease and 1 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 385.

  • ****TA total of 60 children were missing a CRP value (51 with mild/moderate disease and 9 with severe disease) and were considered as CRP not done in the above table.

  • ††††The highest ferritin value measured variable used and a total of 220 children were missing a value (186 with mild/moderate disease and 34 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 183.

  • ‡‡‡‡A total of 271 children were missing albumin values (211 with mild/moderate disease and 60 with severe disease) resulting in a total N of 132.

  • CRP, C-reactive protein; CXR, chest X-ray; MIS-C, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.