Table 2

Demographics, lifestyle and clinical information of Born in Bradford mothers who gave birth to children with or without a CA by ethnic group

AllWhite BritishPakistaniOther
No anomalyAnomalyNo anomalyAnomalyNo anomalyAnomalyNo AnomalyAnomaly
Ethnic origin10 768 (94%)706 (6%)4288 (95%)245 (5%)4804 (93%)371 (7%)1653 (95%)90 (5%)
Age (years)
 20–348716 (81%)544 (78%)3231 (75%)180 (73%)4099 (85%)312 (84%)1366 (83%)62 (69%)
 <20776 (7%)51 (7%)536 (13%)29 (12%)148 (3%)15 (4%)92 (6%)7 (8%)
 >341276 (12%)101 (14%)521 (12%)36 (15%)557 (12%)44 (12%)195 (12%)21 (23%)
 <5 GCSE equivalents2304 (21%)172 (24%)856 (20%)52 (21%)1230 (26%)106 (29%)212 (13%)14 (16%)
 ≥5 GCSE equivalents at grades A–C3281 (30%)229 (32%)1457 (34%)85 (35%)1488 (31%)124 (33%)332 (20%)20 (22%)
 2 Advanced level equivalents1561 (15%)96 (14%)731 (17%)37 (15%)604 (13%)49 (13%)224 (14%)10 (11%)
 Diploma, degree or higher degrees2775 (26%)145 (21%)826 (19%)45 (18%)1265 (26%)70 (19%)677 (41%)30 (33%)
 Other590 (5%)45 (6%)372 (9%)22 (9%)144 (3%)17 (5%)74 (4%)6 (7%)
 Not known120 (1%)9 (1%)40 (1%)3 (1%)55 (1%)4 (1%)25 (2%)2 (2%)
 Foreign unknown110 (1%)8 (1%)3 (<1%)06 (<1%)0 (<1%)101 (6%)8 (9%)
 Missing27 (<1%)2 (<1%)3 (<1%)1 (<1%)12 (<1%)1 (<1%)00
IMD 2010 score (fifths)
 1 (most deprived)7124 (66%)491 (70%)2181 (51%)124 (51%)3812 (79%)299 (81%)1115 (67%)68 (76%)
 21949 (18%)116 (16%)925 (22%)54 (22%)688 (14%)49 (13%)332 (20%)13 (14%)
 31199 (11%)64 (9%)761 (18%)40 (16%)271 (6%)18 (5%)165 (10%)6 (7%)
 4316 (3%)19 (3%)267 (6%)15 (6%)24 (<1%)2 (<1%)24 (1%)2 (2%)
 5 (least deprived)177 (2%)16 (2%)152 (4%)12 (5%)8 (<1%)3 (1%)17 (1%)1 (1%)
 Missing3 (<1%)02 (<1%)01 (<1%)000
 No8963 (83%)604 (86%)2842 (66%)160 (65%)4624 (96%)365 (98%)1479 (89%)79 (88%)
 Yes1785 (17%)101 (14%)1444 (34%)84 (34%)167 (3%)6 (2%)172 (10%)11 (12%)
 Missing20 (<1%)1 (<1%)2 (<1%)1 (<1%)13 (<1%)02 (<1%)0
 Yes3311 (31%)184 (26%)2878 (67%)164 (67%)16 (<1%)0410 (25%)20 (22%)
 No7426 (69%)518 (73%)1403 (33%)81 (33%)4773 (99%)369 (99%)1238 (75%)68 (76%)
 Missing31 (<1%)4 (1%)7 (<1%)0 (<1%)15 (<1%)2 (<1%)5 (<1%)2 (2%)
Consanguinity *
 Non-consanguineous7850 (73%)424 (60%)4284 (99%)244 (99%)2008 (42%)102 (27%)1538 (93%)78 (87%)
 First cousin1834 (17%)192 (27%)1 (<1%)1 (<1%)1753 (36%)183 (49%)79 (5%)8 (9%)
 Second cousin637 (6%)55 (8%)01 (<1%)611 (13%)51 (14%)25 (2%)4 (4%)
 Other blood447 (4%)35 (5%)3 (<1%)0432 (9%)35 (9%)11 (1%)0
 Normal4529 (42%)296 (42%)1738 (41%)87 (36%)2018 (42%)165 (44%)762 (46%)44 (49%)
 Overweight2882 (27%)199 (28%)1141 (27%)65 (27%)1341 (28%)114 (31%)399 (24%)20 (22%)
 Obese2126 (20%)122 (17%)992 (23%)54 (22%)856 (18%)51 (14%)273 (17%)17 (19%)
 Underweight439 (4%)27 (4%)103 (2%)5 (2%)256 (5%)21 (6%)78 (5%)1 (1%)
 Missing792 (7%)62 (9%)314 (7%)34 (14%)333 (7%)20 (5%)141 (9%)8 (9%)
 Normal9850 (91%)637 (90%)4062 (95%)227 (93%)4261 (89%)328 (88%)1507 (91%)82 (91%)
 Impaired fasting glucose33 (<1%)2 (<1%)6 (<1%)1 (<1%)18 (<1%)1 (<1%)8 (<1%)0
 Impaired glucose tolerance714 (7%)56 (8%)187 (4%)16 (7%)421 (9%)34 (9%)104 (6%)6 (7%)
 Diabetes129 (1%)8 (1%)15 (<1%)1 (<1%)91 (2%)5 (1%)23 (1%)2 (2%)
 Missing42 (<1%)3 (<1%)18 (<1%)013 (<1%)3 (1%)11 (<1%)0
  • *Coefficient of inbreeding values: F=0 for non-consanguineous; F=0.0625, 0.0156 and <0.0156 for first cousin, second cousin and other blood, respectively.35

  • BMI, body mass index; CA, congenital anomaly; GCSE, General Certificate of Secondary Education; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.