Table 1

Background information of study participants (n=769)

Age (in years), mean±SD12.0±1.8
Type of family
Birth order
 First or second56974.0
 Third or more than third20025.9
Monthly family income (in BDT)
 Less than BDT10 00017823.1
 BDT10 000–BDT20 00032642.4
 More than BDT20 00026534.4
Maximum years of parental education
 8 to 1231440.9
Mode of delivery
 Do not know455.9
 NVD by others18323.8
 NVD by doctor33944.0
EPI vaccination
Duration of breastfeeding (in months)
 Less than 6 months8310.8
 6–12 months12315.9
 12–24 months19625.5
 More than 24 months36847.8
 Regularly (3 monthly)37048.1
Gadget addiction
 Low gadget addiction40853.0
 High gadget addiction36146.9
  • BDT, Bangladeshi Taka; C/S, caesarean section; EPI, Expanded Programme on Immunisation; NVD, normal vaginal delivery.