Table 3

Characteristics of children who had Talking Together Screening

Child dataIncluded in analysis
Excluded from analysis*
Did not have screening
Age at screening (years), mean (SD)2.10 (0.11)2.13 (0.15)NA
Sex, m:f (% m: % f)344:368 (48:52)175:139 (56:44)718:735 (49:51)
 Missing, n (%)1 (0.14)1 (0.32)5 (0.34)
Gestation (weeks), mean (SD)39.36 (1.84)39.22 (2.08)39.31 (1.91)
Prematurity (<37 weeks), n (%)26 (3.65)21 (6.67)76 (5.21)
Low birth weight (<2.5 kg), n (%)68 (9.55)35 (11.11)148 (10.15)
 Pakistani heritage, n (%)435 (61.10)198 (62.86)NA
 White British, n (%)47 (6.60)18 (5.71)NA
 White Other, n (%)26 (3.65)10 (3.17)NA
 Other‡, n (%)135 (18.96)56 (17.78)NA
 Missing, n (%)27 (3.79)12 (3.81)NA
  • *Excluded due to either CDI-S missing, discontinued before completion, non-English CDI-S collected, or screening language not recorded; see Figure 1 for further breakdown.

  • †As child ethnicity was collected by the service, the categories differ slightly to maternal ethnicity. Child ethnicity is not available for those not screened.

  • ‡Includes African, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, Indian, mixed ethnic groups.

  • CDI-S, Communicative Development Inventory: Short; NA, not available.