Table 4

Number and percentages of children scoring ≥90th percentile in the FTF in ≥2 domains; a univariate logistic regression analysis

VAD n/total (%)SVD n/total (%)SSCD n/total (%)OR (95% CI)
≥2 domains65/87 (75%)37/73 (49%)22/31 (71%)1.96 (1.3 to 3.1)*
1.95 (1.1 to 3.6)†
1.00 (0.6 to 1.8)‡
  • *VAD versus SVD.

  • †SSCD versus SVD.

  • ‡VAD versus SSCD.

  • FTF, Five-to-Fifteen questionnaire; SSCD, second-stage caesarean delivery; SVD, spontaneous vaginal delivery; VAD, vacuum-assisted delivery.