Table 2

Outcomes at the 18-month medical check-up

OutcomeOLB6378 administration
Placebo administration
Regression analysis*
nn (%)
nn (%)
Partial correlation coefficientOR95% CIP values
Body weight, kg989.3±1.71039.2±1.20.177†− 0.277 to 0.5810.390
Body length, cm9777.1±4.310377.2±4.2−0.148†−1.333 to 1.0380.806
Head circumference, cm8046.3±2.29346.5±1.8−0.259†−0.864 to  0.3470.401
Use of O2, n (%)1026 (6)1026 (6)1.000‡0.311 to 3.2101.000
Cerebral palsy, n (%)1004 (4)10010 (10)0.375‡0.114 to 1.2380.108
Developmental test8979
 DQ18 score5490.6±12.56591.1±14.4−0.443†−5.384 to 4.4990.859
 Distribution of developmental levels§893.0±1.1792.7±1.10.589¶0.034 to  1.1440.038
 DQ18 score <85 or developmental test was unfeasible, n (%)8924 (27)7932 (41)0.542‡0.283 to 1.0380.065
  • Use of O2, use of oxygen postdischarge (this include all discharged for home oxygen).

  • *Treatment effect.

  • †Linear regression analysis.

  • ‡Logistic regression analysis.

  • §Developmental levels were determined in terms of the DQ18 scores, which were either computed or inferred (if developmental testing was unfeasible or unnecessary).

  • ¶Ordered logistic regression analysis.

  • DQ18, developmental quotient at 18 months of corrected age.