Table 2

Comparison of neuroimaging findings in infants with bacterial meningitis based on prognosis

Acute phase (within 1 week)
Postacute phase (≥1 week)
N (%)Sequelae
No sequelae (n=36)PN (%)Sequelae (n=28)No sequelae (n=29)P value
Meningeal thickening21 (20.5)5 (11.1)410.00416 (28.1)970.55
Echogenic sulci30 (29.4)11 (24.4)650.00319 (33.3)1180.03
White matter hyperechogenicity*50 (49.0)20 (44.4)5150.4830 (52.6)20100.02
Abnormal basal segments†31 (30.4)7 (15.6)340.1324 (42.1)14100.29
Malacia lesion11 (10.8)2 (0.4)200.049 (15.8)81<0.001
Ventriculitis‡37 (36.3)8 (1.8)440.0429 (50.9)16130.03
Intraventricular haemorrhage39 (38.2)13 (28.9)760.00126 (45.6)13130.99
Ventricular dilation41 (40.2)7 (15.6)520.00234 (59.6)19150.28
Extra-axial fluid space enlargement18 (17.6)5 (11.1)140.9913 (22.8)850.01
Infants with cranial ultrasound abnormalities84 (82.4)33 (73.3)9240.0951 (89.5)28230.02
  • *Including increased or heterogeneous white matter echogenicity.

  • †Basal segment size reduction, extensive elevated echogenicity, focal elevated echogenicity, heterogeneous echogenicity or local vascularisation.

  • ‡Increased ventricular lining echogenicity, cerebrospinal fluid hyperechogenicity in the ventricles, echogenic debris within the ventricular cavity or dilation and hyperechogenicity of the choroid plexuses.