Table 1

Topic guide (based on the Health Belief Model14)

ConceptDefinitionAreas of questioning
Perceived susceptibilityAn individual’s assessment of their chances of developing a condition.Experience of eye conditions encountered in children.
Experience of eye tests and or treatment as a child/adult.
Eye care advice received from parents/friends.
Advice they would give their child.
Perceived severityAn individual’s opinion as to the seriousness of the condition.Importance of vision: worries, fears and attitudes.
Attitudes to children wearing glasses.
Attitudes to children wearing eye patches.
Knowledge of impact of poor vision on employment, driving and other everyday activities.
Perceived benefitsAn individual’s opinion as to whether a new behaviour is better than current behaviour.Importance of good vision.
Impact of poor vision in children.
Impact of vision on a child’s ability to learn.
Perceived barriersAn individual’s opinion as to what will prevent them from adopting a new behaviour.Costs and relative costs.
Satisfaction with health services.
Number of visits to optometrist or hospital.
Obstacles to attending.
Eye clinic opportunities.
Cosmetic impact.
Self-efficacyBelief in one’s own ability to perform an action.Capability of arranging appointments.
Knowledge of children’s eye tests.
Capability of performing the treatment (ensuring your child wears glasses or eye patch every day to improve their vision).
Cues to actionFactors that will prompt a person into changing behaviour.Family attitude to eye care.
Attitude of school to eye care.
Any associated cultural or religious practices in relation to children’s or adult eye care.