Table 5

Healthcare delivery outcomes

Healthcare delivery outcome domainsNumber of studies discussing outcome domain (n=62)OutcomeNumber of studies discussing outcome
Verbatim text extract
Healthcare workers—communication30Communicating in challenging settings10 When they arrived at hospital…some had difficult conversations with clinical staffNICUs commonly set boundaries around the care that they offer. 68
Communicating information effectively7 Other parents experienced stress from unknown medical terminology. 65
Communication about discharge3 Parents/caregivers may be inadequately prepared for home care and management of fragile neonates due to a lack of consistent and early communication. 69
Communication with parents2When you’re talking to parents while you’re doing cares and everything, you’re not really talking to them, you’re having a vague conversation across the room.’ 70
Developing a caring relationship5 As the providers gave support to families, families also were described as supporting the staff. 55
Keeping parents informed7 ‘I asked so many questions and read all the charts every day, and I probably angered them. Squeaky wheel gets the oil, as they say.’ 50
Treating parents with respect3 ‘I got yelled at by a nurse at [the scn] for rubbing my son’s foot [even though that was okay at the nicu].’ 50
Other outcomes only in 1 paperAllowing time for conversation: awareness of parental views: candour: communication with ex-neonatal patients: language barrier: using aids to communication
Healthcare workers—knowledge and competence23Consistency of decisions6 ‘Everybody had a different point of view but they were opinions, not facts. So that was huge, don’t even get me started on that, that was just a nightmare.’ 60
Ethical decision-making5 “…but when you actually mention this, say, ‘Well, in fact you know, we don’t really know what’s the best treatment,’ it is a delicate moment.” 71
Healthcare professionals’ behaviour5It wasn’t a nurse related conversation it was just a casual conversation… Like I felt a bit [sic] she wasn’t their priority.’ 60
Healthcare professional competence7 Most of the parents recalled specific incidents that they perceived as poor medical care; typically, these incidents involved technical procedures or medical knowledge. 72
Identifying who is responsible for care3 ‘Sometimes we’re not real clear who to follow up with.’ 50
Staffing levels2 It was especially helpful for the parents to see so many nurses and physicians in the NICU. 73
Other outcomes only in 1 paperExpertise in palliative care: medical errors: staff insecurity
Other outcomesIatrogenic harm3 ‘There are potential toxicities, very real toxicities associated with it.’ 71
Inclusion in research2 Parents were often interested in the research, and some would have liked more contact and information than they actually received. 68
  • NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.