Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression predicting composite healthcare-associated infections

OR*95% CI*P values*
Composite healthcare-associated infection current procedural terminology linear risk0.330.30 to 0.36<0.0001
Age0.980.97 to 0.990.0001
American Society of Anaesthesiologists class1.051.02 to 1.08<0.0001
Underweight short0.890.60 to 1.330.56
Overweight short1.431.05 to 1.920.02
Underweight tall0.750.37 to 1.520.42
Overweight tall1.150.90 to 1.450.27
  • Both composite healthcare-associated infection current procedural terminology linear risk and age were continuous variables.

  • *Derived from Proc Mianalyze following multiple imputation of the four nutritional profile groups using Proc Glimmix.